Hi! I don't use this account much any more.
You might want to follow @artsyhonker or @artsyhonker @artsyhonker instead.
Hi! I don't use this account much any more.
You might want to follow @artsyhonker or @artsyhonker @artsyhonker instead.
Hi, bunch of new followers, I mostly use @artsyhonker these days. Thanks!
Hi, I'm moving to mastodon.art, I'm @artsyhonker there.
@BeartrapSammich I guess I need to figure out whether UK regulations mean "not suitable" = dangerous or "not suitable" = texture might go a bit weird.
@BeartrapSammich Usually that would say 'previously frozen' or similar, though. Hmm.
Why would salami be marked "not suitable for home freezing"? This is not fitting well with my batch cooking plans for today at all. Surely cured meat should be fine in the freezer?
Supposed to be batch cooking day. Progress... moderate.
Having one of those days where someone turned the gravity up. So far have managed to spill chilli, rice, soured cream, egg (raw).
@mayel Anyway -- I get that this is all in early stages! But I'm very interested and also very willing to talk about what I would like, as an end user, to see.
@mayel That's mostly because my work is fairly niche. There probably isn't a good way to design a system so that the "popular kids" don't have an advantage, though.
@mayel And the actual money I get, despite crowdfunding my composing for nearly 4 years now, works out at far, far below minimum wage for the hours I put in on most pieces.
@mayel Also if people are already *giving me money* then it's not particularly good to ask them to take on some additional verification task, though I suspect many would.
@mayel Maybe -- but there's no evidence for the PayPal ones, and what about artists who start out without a presence on e.g. Patreon, which I don't consider a very stable system?
@mayel Having access to tech/admin help based on the hours I put in rather than an arbitrary market amount would be seriously useful to me, but...well, one of the reasons I didn't build this system already is that I couldn't figure out all of how it would work.
@mayel I release for free, have some support per-work through Patreon and some monthly subscribers through PayPal, and now two patrons on Liberapay. I take commissions, but I get maybe 1/year. I'm also doing a PhD.
@mayel But what if they don't want to buy in? I also put my music on my website, it's still CC by-SA, why make me even more dependent on CPDL?
@mayel If I then have to wait for someone else to decide whether it counts in some way, that's a really crappy experience for me and I probably won't bother; but individually vetting all applications in a centralised way will not scale. Some kind of referrals system? And there will need to be some way to deal with clear abuse, so that needs to be defined. (If maintaining an open-source bot that creates art, is the not eligible to collect ora? Or is only human labour allowed?)
@mayel I'm just trying to understand the process from the artist's side. I write some music, I put the sheet music online under CC by-SA at CPDL as usual, then I go to your site and say "I did this thing and it took me 10 hours". Then what?
@mayel And you can still have someone say "no way did that take 10 hours of work" even though it did.
@mayel Then I have to do the work of finding someone willing to be in a "collective" with me, which frankly I would have done already if I'd found a good fit.
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