[hey kids, -protip- do a ton of reading now, so if you get turned into a bird later and can’t easily look stuff up, you can still sound smart. trust me, you’ll thank me later. in hindsight i should’ve read a helluva lot more poe.]
maybe i should go figure out something else to do with my life, trying to find another job in tech has been just demoralizing. but i don't even know what.
I read about Exwm, which compiles the declarative XML spec into Emacs Lisp socket calls in order to build a window manager. At first it sounded like a neat idea that was way too crazy to actually work.
I ended up giving it a shot on a whim, and imagine my surprise when it actually ended up working flawlessly.
Tagging onto @teascade's #gamedev resources list, here's some engine-y stuff I found and still find to be helpful:
Robert Nystrom, "Game Programming Patterns": http://gameprogrammingpatterns.com/. Some of this will be familiar but other parts of it might be more novel, e.g. framerate-independent simulation and entity systems.
Alexander Overvoorde's https://open.gl. My OpenGL experience more or less stopped in the fixed-function era, and I found this to be a great help in getting up to speed. I also find Anton Gerdelan's OpenGL tutorials (http://antongerdelan.net/opengl/) very useful.
be aware that in reality when making an AP implementation you'll need webfinger and HTTP signatures to be interoperable with Masto (and turn usernames into ActivityPub ID's, don't worry webfinger isn't hard), with users public keys exchanged via webfinger using the salmon magic key format (for legacy reasons)
Is there an implementer's guide to ActivityPub out there anywhere? Something that provides an easier on-ramp for implementers than just working through the spec?
video gamey world where there's a perfectly normal magic system
and then there's the *real* wizards, who spend days under a waterfall, walking in place (on a slope) to visit alternate dimensions, rearranging the items & quantities in their pack just so, opening maps as they cross room boundaries…
@craigmaloney@nergdron what's really unforgivable is that i'm going through a company that specifically has you do this rigorous process to show you're baseline competent, and then you talk to these companies by their referral.
so for them to totally not even read what was given and act like this is a total waste of everyone's time and misses the point