@hyper Mince ! Tu peux créer une issue stp ?
Notices by Chocobozzz (chocobozzz@framapiaf.org), page 10
Chocobozzz (chocobozzz@framapiaf.org)'s status on Thursday, 13-Sep-2018 02:30:08 EDT Chocobozzz -
Chocobozzz (chocobozzz@framapiaf.org)'s status on Wednesday, 12-Sep-2018 10:16:43 EDT Chocobozzz @mrjack @aeris Pour la popup tu as raison je vais essayer de voir ce qu'on peut faire
Chocobozzz (chocobozzz@framapiaf.org)'s status on Wednesday, 12-Sep-2018 10:12:40 EDT Chocobozzz @mrjack @aeris gzip n'est activé que pour les fichiers statiques, justement pour éviter breach
Chris Were 🐧 (chriswere@linuxrocks.online)'s status on Wednesday, 12-Sep-2018 07:58:04 EDT Chris Were 🐧 So one cool new thing about #PeerTube is the introduction of friendly URLs for channels.
So if you wanted to catch all of my video content, you could follow @chriswere but if you only wanted to follow my tech content you can just follow the channel directly at @chrisweredigital or if you were only a fan of my #GameOfThrones content, you can follow @oursisthetheory
That's really neat, I think.
Chocobozzz (chocobozzz@framapiaf.org)'s status on Wednesday, 12-Sep-2018 08:38:51 EDT Chocobozzz @mrjack Tu dois avoir un soucis de configuration : soit peertube tourne pas avec NODE_ENV=production, soit tu lui as mal spécifié le dossier où se trouvent les fichiers de configuration (NODE_CONFIG_DIR)
Chocobozzz (chocobozzz@framapiaf.org)'s status on Wednesday, 12-Sep-2018 08:36:01 EDT Chocobozzz @mrjack En local ? Pour du dev ? Si oui il faut faire tourner peertube avec NODE_ENV=test
Chocobozzz (chocobozzz@framapiaf.org)'s status on Tuesday, 11-Sep-2018 04:54:03 EDT Chocobozzz To celebrate reaching more than 20,000 videos on #PeerTube (https://instances.joinpeertube.org/instances/stats), we just released the beta 12!
Adds user subscriptions, videos overview page, keyboard shortcuts and many more! https://github.com/Chocobozzz/PeerTube/blob/develop/CHANGELOG.md
Thanks to all contributors, instance admins, uploaders and viewers <3
Riggie Mercury (rigelk@miaou.drycat.fr)'s status on Monday, 10-Sep-2018 06:05:42 EDT Riggie Mercury I too like my #PeerTube to have a #comfy interface. :blobcoffee:
While I'm working on making the interface fully keyboard-navigable for the stable release, the next release will feature keyboard shortcuts and simple theming of the interface (which an experimental dark theme now features in the mainline #interface!)
Chocobozzz (chocobozzz@framapiaf.org)'s status on Sunday, 09-Sep-2018 04:44:16 EDT Chocobozzz @BarXul @klorydryk oui du coup une recherche globalisée opt in est en réflexion
Riggie Mercury (rigelk@miaou.drycat.fr)'s status on Friday, 07-Sep-2018 14:45:19 EDT Riggie Mercury #PeerTube needs designers: a few points of the interface which need UI (re)work long term will be documented and relayed here over the course of the next few days.
1/n: related videos showing along the current video do not use the screen space well | https://github.com/Chocobozzz/PeerTube/issues/1022
Boosts and inspirations (preferably in the issue tracker) are warmly welcome! :blobcheerbounce:
You can always check other UI-related issues (both design and integration): https://github.com/Chocobozzz/PeerTube/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+sort%3Aupdated-desc+label%3AUI
Chocobozzz (chocobozzz@framapiaf.org)'s status on Wednesday, 05-Sep-2018 05:57:30 EDT Chocobozzz -
Chocobozzz (chocobozzz@framapiaf.org)'s status on Tuesday, 21-Aug-2018 14:46:28 EDT Chocobozzz @Kazer bizarre mais en effet la BP doit plafonner à 2mbs si tu utilises nginx. Dans tous les cas je suis bien content que ça fonctionne :)
Chocobozzz (chocobozzz@framapiaf.org)'s status on Tuesday, 21-Aug-2018 14:29:04 EDT Chocobozzz @Kazer normalement non rien de spécial à ce niveau là mais quand ya des problème de playback faut pas hésiter à créer une issue :)
Chocobozzz (chocobozzz@framapiaf.org)'s status on Monday, 20-Aug-2018 16:27:51 EDT Chocobozzz @scanlime debian stable is fine :)
Carsten ✅ (cblte@social.tchncs.de)'s status on Monday, 20-Aug-2018 07:08:57 EDT Carsten ✅ Hihihi #hobbyte
Chris Tallerås🎨🇳🇴 (christalleras@mastodon.art)'s status on Saturday, 18-Aug-2018 07:28:21 EDT Chris Tallerås🎨🇳🇴 #peertube creators and users!
Send me peertube creators! I am really liking peertube so far and I am hungry for more content! So send me what you got! I'm interested in #art #music #games #podcasts #tech #politics #videomaking #linux #FLOSS #cooking and all that good stuff!
If I like it I'll add it to my RSS feed, and hopefully people will find content if they check the replies to this toot. 😀
jəˈrunˈprɑːt (jeroenpraat@todon.nl)'s status on Wednesday, 15-Aug-2018 16:54:41 EDT jəˈrunˈprɑːt *The PeerTube Kodi addon in action*
Chocobozzz (chocobozzz@framapiaf.org)'s status on Monday, 13-Aug-2018 10:24:32 EDT Chocobozzz @jlhertel @chocobozzz A report button is shown for logged users
Chocobozzz (chocobozzz@framapiaf.org)'s status on Monday, 13-Aug-2018 04:26:53 EDT Chocobozzz @dave Maybe webtorrent-app
Chocobozzz (chocobozzz@framapiaf.org)'s status on Sunday, 12-Aug-2018 10:40:52 EDT Chocobozzz @h Implemented last week https://github.com/Chocobozzz/PeerTube/issues/100