@tom79 @nooe nope it does not, except if you need to access to a remote account not federated with the instance :)
Notices by Chocobozzz (chocobozzz@framapiaf.org), page 9
Chocobozzz (chocobozzz@framapiaf.org)'s status on Saturday, 20-Oct-2018 03:24:19 EDT Chocobozzz -
Chocobozzz (chocobozzz@framapiaf.org)'s status on Saturday, 20-Oct-2018 03:22:56 EDT Chocobozzz @angedestenebres @kaiyou courage, c'est en se cassant les dents qu'on apprend ! (et si c'est un soucis avec peertube en lui mĂȘme n'hĂ©sitez pas Ă le remonter !)
Lecygne Noir Game (lecygnenoirgame@miaou.drycat.fr)'s status on Friday, 19-Oct-2018 08:53:29 EDT Lecygne Noir Game Cheers! #Prismedia v0.6 is here!
You can now use playlists, both for Youtube and Peertube, schedule video without external binaries, support #Peertube v1.0, and more!
See the Changelog for all info: https://git.lecygnenoir.info/LecygneNoir/prismedia/src/tag/v0.6/CHANGELOG.md
Note that for Youtube, the first launch will reask for your credential, as playlist need more access than uploading videos ;-)
Enjoy! đ€
Chocobozzz (chocobozzz@framapiaf.org)'s status on Friday, 19-Oct-2018 08:25:36 EDT Chocobozzz @mrjack vi
Chocobozzz (chocobozzz@framapiaf.org)'s status on Friday, 19-Oct-2018 08:24:49 EDT Chocobozzz @mrjack comment ça ?
†Bram †(bram@social.wxcafe.net)'s status on Thursday, 18-Oct-2018 12:36:24 EDT †Bram †Bon ben c'est mon tour :) #JeChercheUnJob
Je suis:
- dev FOSS fullstack (venant du backend)
- python depuis 2008 (mais je m'adapte),+15.000 commits sur github, django avant la 1.0
- bonne base d'adminsys
- orienté résultat, pragmatique, autonome
- bosse seul comme en Ă©quipeJe cherche
- plutĂŽt des missions courtes
- télétravail ou sur Bruxelles
- CDI/CDD en mi-temps / 3-5 Ăšme (plutĂŽt remote)
- prĂȘt Ă discuter si vous avez d'autres propositions :)
- bonus si FOSS -
Fedilab (tom79@mastodon.social)'s status on Friday, 19-Oct-2018 00:21:52 EDT Fedilab #peertube will need the help of translators. If you have a little time for contributing, details are here:
https://github.com/Chocobozzz/PeerTube/blob/develop/support/doc/translation.md -
Remouk / DansTonChat (danstonchat@hostux.social)'s status on Thursday, 18-Oct-2018 12:01:44 EDT Remouk / DansTonChat La quote n°20000. đ€ VINGT MILLE, je n'en reviens toujours pas. đ Si vous ne le saviez pas, DTC a besoin d'aide : https://www.tipeee.com/danstonchat đ
In conversation from hostux.social permalink Repeated by chocobozzz -
Fedilab (tom79@mastodon.social)'s status on Wednesday, 17-Oct-2018 13:26:50 EDT Fedilab #Mastalab 1.17.0 is alive. You might encounter bugs because this release has huge changes.
Have fun with #peertube and your Mastodon accounts :)
In conversation from mastodon.social permalink Repeated by chocobozzz -
Fedilab (tom79@mastodon.social)'s status on Wednesday, 17-Oct-2018 05:20:44 EDT Fedilab Next release of #Mastalab will allow you to fully interact with #peertube videos and accounts with your Mastodon accounts.
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Chocobozzz (chocobozzz@framapiaf.org)'s status on Wednesday, 17-Oct-2018 05:10:46 EDT Chocobozzz In conversation from framapiaf.org permalink -
Chocobozzz (chocobozzz@framapiaf.org)'s status on Thursday, 20-Sep-2018 13:03:27 EDT Chocobozzz @manuelviens please create an issue
In conversation from framapiaf.org permalink -
Chocobozzz (chocobozzz@framapiaf.org)'s status on Tuesday, 18-Sep-2018 10:56:12 EDT Chocobozzz @mike @aadilayub @kev It's unrelated because peertube uses webseed (server sends chunks with HTTP)
In conversation from framapiaf.org permalink -
INACTIVE (deadsuperhero@social.nasqueron.org)'s status on Monday, 17-Sep-2018 19:39:55 EDT INACTIVE Just published a short guide for finding stuff on #PeerTube, along with how you actually subscribe to channels.
I have a number of channel recommendations for anyone that's wondering "Where the heck do I watch stuff?"
(eternal apologies to everyone that might gripe, I'm still working on a Medium replacement)
In conversation from social.nasqueron.org permalink Repeated by chocobozzz Attachments
Chocobozzz (chocobozzz@framapiaf.org)'s status on Tuesday, 18-Sep-2018 07:26:34 EDT Chocobozzz @kev @aadilayub the video playback or the interface is slow?
In conversation from framapiaf.org permalink -
P2Play (p2play@gnusocial.ml)'s status on Sunday, 16-Sep-2018 02:22:11 EDT P2Play People #P2Play is here! Please be patient, is the first version. Test and make all issues! Go go go! https://gitlab.com/agosto182/p2play/ @chocobozzz @rigelk In conversation from gnusocial.ml permalink Repeated by chocobozzz Attachments
Chocobozzz (chocobozzz@framapiaf.org)'s status on Saturday, 15-Sep-2018 13:11:11 EDT Chocobozzz @ealhad @booteille @jusdepatate c'est souvent les petites choses qui font la diff ;)
In conversation from framapiaf.org permalink -
Riggie Mercury (rigelk@miaou.drycat.fr)'s status on Friday, 14-Sep-2018 06:18:21 EDT Riggie Mercury If you have some time this weekend and know #arabic, #russian, #japanese, #italian, #polish or #portugese, please consider translating a few sentences of #PeerTube !
- arabic: 4% translated
- russian: 50% translated
- japanese: 24% translated
- italian: 3% translated
- polish: 58% translated
- portugese: 0% translatedIf you have never joined the effort, here is how to get started: https://github.com/Chocobozzz/PeerTube/blob/develop/support/doc/translation.md#how-to
boosts appreciated :blobcat:
In conversation from miaou.drycat.fr permalink Repeated by chocobozzz Attachments
Chocobozzz (chocobozzz@framapiaf.org)'s status on Thursday, 13-Sep-2018 13:09:00 EDT Chocobozzz @booteille sure!
In conversation from framapiaf.org permalink -
Chocobozzz (chocobozzz@framapiaf.org)'s status on Thursday, 13-Sep-2018 03:49:17 EDT Chocobozzz @hyper Du coup j'ai corrigé pas besoin de créer d'issue
In conversation from framapiaf.org permalink