Never for a moment doubt that the gigantic corporate machines built around controlling and extracting creative art from those with talent are steadily increasing their diet. If we want to see a different landscape, it's going to take action.
what if everybody wrote one email every week asking one of their favorite artists if they would release one of their older albums under a Creative Commons license
On 22nd February, two of my pieces will be sung at Evensong at Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford. One is my Nunc dimittis, the other is my setting of 'Christ has no body now on earth but ours' by Teresa d'Avila.
I need to hire a professional sensitivity reader/consultant to have a look at a poem for me.
It's a bit delicate, because it isn't my poem! But I have, with permission, set it to music.
I haven't published yet, and I'm aware there is one line that might be ableist but in all honesty I can't tell. If it is, I need help finding words to ask the poet to change it.
Is this a thing that can be bought? How much am I looking at?
* sexual orientation = drawing or faining (fain is an archaic English word for desire; see ) * #asexual = undrawn or unfaining * bisexual = twain-drawn or twain-fain * gay (in the sense of homosexual) = same-drawn or same-fain * gay (strictly in the sense of men loving men) = wer-drawn or wer-fain (wer or were is an archaic English word for a specifically male human, whereas "man" was a gender-neutral word for a human; see ) * heterosexual = other-fain, else-fain, or else-drawn * lesbian = lass-fain, lass-drawn, lady-fain, lady-drawn, or wif-fain (wif is a Middle English word for woman; see )
Building words from Germanic English roots is a fun linguistic experiment that is helpful when you find yourself overwhelmed with what we think of as "long words," which are of Greek or Latin origin. Wikipedia gives several examples of writings that attempted to do that: The #Anglish wiki has a lot of resources for if you want to try it too:
Pen technology geeks: have you invented a music manuscript rastrum pen that takes ink cartridges yet? I still want to draw curved scores.
Everything I have tried so far smudges or is a dip pen or is darker or lighter or larger than I want. But really, a cartridge fountain pen or some kind of fineliner would be ideal; 1cm wide total, five lines.
I tend to go for extra health monitoring when it's offered, because the information helps me prioritize health interventions, and I often struggle to advocate well for myself in health care contexts.
Like, OK, I'm higher risk for a bunch of things, but let's find out which risks are worst.
@krozruch Trying to think of even one anarchist I know who supports both Trump and Brexit and I think the Grauniad doesn't define "anarchist" the way I do.
Do they mean "accelerationist" maybe? Or "libertarian"?
#mastometa are there any good usability options for emojis? Like, making them bigger or showing alt-text all the time? I pretty much never know what an emoji is supposed to be cause they're too tiny to decipher.
I really don't like doing this, but my university application - coming as it did at the end of the month - sucked the last £18 out of my bank account.
I have got nothing until the end of February and I have two job interviews and (hopefully) a university interview to travel to. I need £200 to pay outstanding bills and survive the month. Every tiny bit would help.
I am a trans NB person trying to dump old baggage and start again with life now that I know who I am.