Allosexuals see aceness as some kind of constant sexual rejection to a question that was never posed, and might not have been posed even if they didn't know we were ace, and even then, despite being ace, some of us would say yes
Allosexuals get angry w/ace folks b/c they see us as not manipulatable in the way other allosexuals are and it scares them
Our existence is an indictment of the shitty way allosexuals tend to relate to each other, and TBH, good
I need about $20, so I can go out to Rite Aid to purchase something to eat. There is a decent chance that the staff member at the group housing program I am in that usually takes me food shopping every week will take me food shopping tomorrow if not, then I will have to go food shopping by Thursday.
@balrogboogie And on July 15, 2019, it became realized across the Fediverse that we all pretty much enjoy the Mad Max series, even though we never talk about it. @witchfynder_finder@grainloom
@emsenn@witchfynder_finder@grainloom i can still watch the old MM movies without being distracted by how amazingly shitty a person Mel Gibson is, which is not something i can say about any other mel gibson movie
one last time, for clarification, because i'm tired of having to reply to individual comments about it:
boycotting amazon and it's services today is not about hurting their profits or jeff bezos. most people understand that's not really possible with this action.
it's about being in solidarity with amazon workers.
the benefit of being a free association extremist and blocking all the shitty instances is that I have seen exactly zero (0) freeze peach responses to this post 📈