"If you didn't care what happened to me, And I didn't care for you, We would zig zag our way through the boredom and pain Occasionally glancing up through the rain. Wondering which of the buggers to blame And watching for pigs on the wing."
SKS keyserver, my personal TL;DR: - its hard to find maintainers for projects (see OpenSSL/GnuPG/...), esp. if there's no funding - SKS predates opam etc. -- it has been written as a rather monolithic piece of software - license-wise it may not make everybody comfortable to work on it (speaking about myself: I prefer to work on permissively licensed code even in my spare time) - maintenance + refactoring: I'd estimate ~1 month of work to get SKS into shape -- anyone interested in funding this?
If you are preparing a cucumber for a greek salad, that it DOES NOT MATTER if you cut the cumber radially ( into circles) and then cut those into quarters.
If you cut the cucumber along it's long axis into quarters, and then chop those into smaller pieces.
And this is a real world application of Theorems for Free, Wadler 1989
I haven't practiced the piano for 3 weeks. I am so bad. I feel guilty, but I haven't felt like playing. It just felt like too much trouble to plug it all back together. Anyway.. I have just done it. But it's a bit late to practise now. However. I have forgotten the chords to the middle 8 of Misty
@jeroenpraat Actually I would prefer to run my own recursive resolver on a VPS somewhere. But I don't know how to do it so that clients have to authenticate to it. That is, so it is not available for the general internet population, given all the issues with DNS reflection DDOS attacks etc.
@jeroenpraat thanks! I am using with DNS over HTTPS via the dnscrypt-proxy stub resolve. Happy to learn about other recursive resolvers that don't keep logs.