I’m so committed to my Canadian anarchist dad themed Mastodon instance that I set my VPN to Toronto. This means that, when ads sneak through the blocker, they are for Tim Hortons.
@snowdusk_ yeah, Apple seems be be making a go out of just taking your money directly rather than trying to find sneaky ways to monetize you. Deploying things like encryption, sane browser behavior and USB ports that shut down to thwart law enforcement overreach.
I’m extracting myself from Google’s ecosystem but that doesn’t mean I’m blindly moving to iCloud et al. I’m actually replacing things like online storage with encrypted usb drives and streaming music with local MP3s.
Not bad. Leans heavily on the trope that it only takes 3-5 days before the average human is willing to kill for a Jerrycan of gas.
Just once, I’d like to see an apocalypse movie where people take the opportunity to band together and build a solar punk collective where everyone is cool to each other.
If you live in the DC/Maryland/Virginia area and need someone to help you with something, hit me up and I'll see what I can do. Driving, building/fixing stuff, etc... Day job and family stuff may limit my usefulness, but we all have to start somewhere.
(you can find my email through my profile->webpage).
Totally copying @djsundog and others who have made similar offers.
It really makes me sad that Google is more interested in implementing predictive text in the compose window, a feature nobody* really wants, than solid encryption and privacy protections.
* I realize that “nobody” isn’t correct. In fact, really good predictive text would be very useful for people who need help typing. That said, Goog did it to have pretense to scan your email, not to help the disabled.
#WhyIStayOnMastodon I met some cool people here and this is the only place that I can see what they’re are up to. The community is respectful and irreverent at the same time. The technology is asshole-resistant.
I'm looking for a cheap Linux laptop. basically a terminal, perl and light web browsing. has anyone used the Pine 64 pinebook? opinions? alternate suggestions?
Internet: Here's *Important Changes* to the privacy policies for every service you've ever signed up for for the last 20 years. You should probably read them.
1) I am pleased to report that Dick Dale is still alive and touring. I last saw him play 20+ years ago when I was in college 2) His website is a masterpiece of old-school HTML (ca. 1997) including the iconic animated flame gif. http://www.dickdale.com/