@Elizafox What, debt *again*? It always leaves me hungrier than when I started.
Notices by ampersand (ampersand@octodon.social)
ampersand (ampersand@octodon.social)'s status on Sunday, 08-Oct-2017 22:10:45 EDT ampersand
ampersand (ampersand@octodon.social)'s status on Sunday, 08-Oct-2017 21:46:22 EDT ampersand
As a snowflake millennial, I like a little bit of praise garnish atop the shit sandwich that is feedback.
I also like to eat dinner sometimes, so I'm going to do that now.
ampersand (ampersand@octodon.social)'s status on Sunday, 08-Oct-2017 21:38:53 EDT ampersand
@generica If I thought he understood it as an act of protest, and if the *other* elected official hadn't already taken the credit for it as an act of self-righteous bullshittery, yeah!
I respect his right to be a jerk and walk out of a game that he paid/was comped for, but I reserve the right to be annoyed at the cost of this political theater and the message it sends.
ampersand (ampersand@octodon.social)'s status on Sunday, 08-Oct-2017 21:36:26 EDT ampersand
Mood: "Please think of a good thing to say about it, even if it's 'wow, you really used some great Times New Roman, just like the instructions said!'"
ampersand (ampersand@octodon.social)'s status on Sunday, 08-Oct-2017 18:37:14 EDT ampersand
@MightyBigCar Fair. These aren't reading --> immediate comprehension people.
ampersand (ampersand@octodon.social)'s status on Sunday, 08-Oct-2017 17:23:29 EDT ampersand
Looking for a happy place.
ampersand (ampersand@octodon.social)'s status on Sunday, 08-Oct-2017 16:00:40 EDT ampersand
These comments brought to you by a tattered, faded American flag hanging off a pickup truck at a weird angle.
ampersand (ampersand@octodon.social)'s status on Sunday, 08-Oct-2017 15:57:20 EDT ampersand
Many people currently idolizing the American flag would benefit from reading the Flag Code.
ampersand (ampersand@octodon.social)'s status on Sunday, 08-Oct-2017 09:06:30 EDT ampersand
Well that's enough online for today. Going to print out all my reading (sorry, trees) and wander off into the rain, far away from any Internet. 👋 https://octodon.social/media/FfS6VDoyWDod3a8X5IQ
ampersand (ampersand@octodon.social)'s status on Sunday, 08-Oct-2017 08:09:58 EDT ampersand
I love seeing older ladies dressed up for church. They have the most amazing hats and colorful suit sets.
ampersand (ampersand@octodon.social)'s status on Saturday, 07-Oct-2017 23:51:22 EDT ampersand
Oh ffs. Stop with the euphemisms already, we know who these people are.
https://octodon.social/media/ch71FnoyTNuLlpM_1x8 -
ampersand (ampersand@octodon.social)'s status on Saturday, 07-Oct-2017 23:25:33 EDT ampersand
Men can be wrong as individuals; women who are wrong are traitors to the group.
ampersand (ampersand@octodon.social)'s status on Saturday, 07-Oct-2017 18:45:52 EDT ampersand
One good account left on Twitter is @Highland_Cows. Hopefully they'll moooooove over here someday. https://octodon.social/media/EONv8P8esedxLUwrbQM
ampersand (ampersand@octodon.social)'s status on Saturday, 07-Oct-2017 15:07:58 EDT ampersand
I've been getting all Kids These Days about undergrads, so it's probably time to pick a study spot off campus before I give someone some unwanted advice.
ampersand (ampersand@octodon.social)'s status on Saturday, 07-Oct-2017 06:26:54 EDT ampersand
@natanji It's why I'm here and not tweeting. Personal attacks, brigading, doxxing, and all those other nasty things aren't part of this instance's ethos. I'm far from politics-averse, but I put a warning on it (as do most people, most of the time).
It's social media without the antisocial parts. We hope.
ampersand (ampersand@octodon.social)'s status on Saturday, 07-Oct-2017 03:58:15 EDT ampersand
@arlenes it would be a 1-year clerkship with the option to renew for a second year. Thanks for reminding me about the economy, though, because I'd probably at least *look* for a permanent position while there.
ampersand (ampersand@octodon.social)'s status on Saturday, 07-Oct-2017 01:44:52 EDT ampersand
I see a few people on Birdsite going into conniptions about a state congressman who raps. Before rushing to conclusions, may I suggest reading a little amicus brief about how the hippity-hop enjoyed by kids these days is (gasp) not 100% literal? https://www.americanbar.org/content/dam/aba/publications/supreme_court_preview/BriefsV4/13-983_pet_amcu_mbbfap.authcheckdam.pdf
ampersand (ampersand@octodon.social)'s status on Friday, 06-Oct-2017 23:17:35 EDT ampersand
@arlenes It's lovely to find Alaskans on here, especially now that I'm on the other side of the country and--depending on the whole job situation--might move back.
ampersand (ampersand@octodon.social)'s status on Friday, 06-Oct-2017 23:16:33 EDT ampersand
@arlenes That's so neat! When I was a kid in Anchorage, I lived in a house that survived the 1964 quake. I remember standing under an interior doorframe during a few (much smaller, of course) quakes.
ampersand (ampersand@octodon.social)'s status on Saturday, 09-Sep-2017 09:42:17 EDT ampersand
I decided to store my roommate's liquified bananas in the outdoor trash can. She's not around this weekend, but the fruit flies have taken up residence. (Yes, throwing out food is awful and wasteful, but these were *leaking.*)