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Timeline for gnulinux list by bobjonkman, page 10
Thursday, 29-Nov-0001 18:42:28 LMT
Hang in there, Dr. Sekula. Your summer somewhat mirrors mine: Conflicted about working in a Covid environment; trying to stay engaged in politics (not physics research); the loss of my father and admitting my mom to a long-term care facility where Covid mortality is high. We'll pull through, and if the future looks different from the past that's probably a good thing.
"End of Summer, 2021" Ive gone silent in this blog. Take it as a sign of everything else that has been going on. Writing in this blog is the first thing to be sacrificed when life intervenes. Its been many months since I wrote here. Truth be told, I think I need to write something here now. Blogging can ... Continue reading "End of Summer, 2021" ( Feed URL: )
But human labour only produces surplus value when it's being exploited. If humans are paid a fair value for their labour then there is no "surplus", ie. no profit for the corporate owners. This is why I favour worker-owned co-operatives instead of capitalist-owned corporations.
the greatest challenge of automation for a capitalist economy is that machines don't produce surplus value, only human labor does
@geniusmusing Yeah. :-(
I think the #blockwars folks may have indirectly caused this. There are people who file complaints against client apps that don’t build in blocklists against specific servers whose moderation policies they dislike.
I think that #Matrix / #Element competes with one or more Google-owned chat-type services. Since they gatekeep the overwhelming majority of Android users’ software installation, a good antitrust lawyer would be helpful. I’ll bet that faxing a bunch of documents to #USDOJ and various states would suddenly cause Google to decide that Element doesn’t violate their policies anyway.
(Someone said it was “Boomers at Google that don’t understand federation”, but first of all, I’m certain that most GOOG employees are far younger than you and I, and secondly, I’m sure someone at Google understands federation, though they obviously dislike not being in control. Google Talk was federated with #XMPP, while Google Plus was basically #Diaspora with federation stripped out.)
And I can't figure out how to connect to a particular server. The #Patchwork #SSB client I'm using has a "+ Join Server" field, but it requires an invitation code. Which I can't generate unless I have a pub server. Which I can't join until I have an invitation code... Sigh.
#SSB: Concept: A+ ; Implementation: C+ ; Usability: F
You'd think a communications platform would make it easier to connect to people you want to communicate with...
I was on #SSB Secure Scuttlebutt for a while (attended an #SSB seminar at last year's LibrePlanet conference), but the application was so resource intense that my laptop couldn't keep up. And, there wasn't the network effect I needed to make it useful. While there are probably interesting people to converse with, I have no idea how to find them.
I just logged back into #SSB, my userID is @BobJonkman (of course); my public key is @aFhD6GhqLVTFFjIGiuKidbaRiU6nC6JeLLvUROLMkL8=.ed25519
Try sending me a private message, maybe that's the way to follow each other.
Oh, hang on. It's @joeyh who reveals the inadequacy of #journalism. Not the article author,
@lnxw48a1 writes "In this post, Joey H. accidentally reveals a major reason why #news_media / #journalism is so bad today."
This didn't leap out at me. Is it because good, in-depth reporting requires A LOT of research and hard work, and that modern journalism is adequately rewarded by re-Tweeted sound bites?
What an excellent #LongRead article! "Exploring the Supply Chain of the Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines"
Explaining the supply chain of Pfizer & Moderna #COVID-19 vaccines:
#2019-nCoV | #coronavirus | #SARS-CoV-2
In this post, Joey H. accidentally reveals a major reason why #news_media / #journalism is so bad today.
That was much better than I expected it to be. Covers the spectrum of opinions of several #ITSec professionals, and does not strike an alarmist note. Sadly, somewhat devoid of practical advice, tho.
I don’t know how I ended up there, but here you go: [www hipaajournal com]
#hipaa #passwords