Going back through and listening to Heavy Metal Historian podcast from @cGt2099 . This is a really good show that I wish I knew about earlier. http://heavymetal666.com
RIP Sir Greg Davies, the Heavy Metal Historian. Thank you for your courage.
@SirBemrose It isn't plausible that 5G short-range access points will be "everywhere." They make economic sense only in densely populated areas. Most of the country will keep using low-density towers. Not to say that privacy concerns aren't real, but that article paints an unrealistic picture of them.
Another 5G "feature" the m5m isn't talking about. Authorities and Big Brother can pinpoint the location of a cell phone much more accurately by which cells you connect to. No GPS needed.
I've noticed that news broadcasts no longer pronounce Donald Trump's first name. It's just "Trump" everywhere.
I can only assume the rationale is efficiency. The average mainstream news broadcast must save at least three minutes of air time per show by not speaking the extra two syllables, given the number of stories they manufacture about him.
I def wouldn't go so far to say we "shouldn't have" played it. On the Odd is a pretty decent conspiracy interview show. But this ep had some ... inconsistencies that clearly triggered @voidzero into creating his own alternative podcast episode.
We played an episode about Qanon we shouldn't have played at all. It doesn't happen often and normally I just skip to the next show, but now that I have the option, and it got me triggered to a boiling point, I drove to my studio and took over the stream to make an impromptu rant about this stuff.
My first rant and long-form recording.
If you liked it, thanks! If you didn't - can't make everyone happy - don't worry, I won't do this often.
@ProfWorr This actually makes perfect sense. In a society that commoditizes normality, rewards diversity for diversity sake, and takes massive steps to enforce equality of outcome no matter the handicap, why wouldn't you use any means possible to stand out and get attention.
These people are just gaming the postmodernist lottery.
@irritable That's one possible explanation. Another is that @NICKtheRAT's latest show already played after Thursday's No Agenda, and you still haven't convinced him to do two shows a week.
The curious thing about this "shutdown" is that Trump hasn't actually vetoed anything. It's Congress which is too deadlocked to pass any appropriations. Messy as that is right now, it's actually a good sign. Trump wanted a vast new authoritarian program, and he got the reverse. Homeland Security is being starved.
On the Left Coast, where a "D" next to your name guarantees re-election, politicians are in a race to one-up each other's virtue-signalling publicity stunts.