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Notices by Jase (, page 7
Just updated my Netgear R6300V2 to: DD-WRT v3.0-r36440M kongac
all good so far
Things I've sorted today in addition to getting kids ready for their holiday.
1> deleted my LastPass account - I've been using KeePassXC for some months now and it works well with syncthing and multiple devices
2> Uninstalled Brave-Bin, not used it seriously for quite some time so got rid (QuteBrowser & Falkon now serve all my graphical browsing needs)
3> removed other unused apps installed from AUR
4> replaced Yaourt with aurman - said to handle things in a more 'correct' manor
5> sudo pacman -Qnq |pacman -S -
6> reinstalled AUR packages I actually use 'duckdns', 'nano-syntax-highlighting-git' and 'ttf-ibm-plex-git'
now I need to focus on kids holiday travel stuff, later (possibly tomorrow) I will be looking at the ZG5 and that interesting OS I located for it.
Ive still not settled on an obscure OS for the Compaq Evo N1020v 32bit 2.4Ghz Pentium 4ht with 1gig RAM.
I have however identified a relativly obscure OS that looks interesting enough to divert my attention and install on my old Acer One ZG5 netbook.
More detail later
I may have paid more attention to your statement if it was backed up with some solid math
It is a capital fact that Slackware is 18 places after Arch and 15 after Debian , which is all the Alpa numeric proof required to disprove your statement, and validate my previous statement π
@mike @AndrzejL
Arch and Debian the best two distros currently out there
Take the glass, and the packet into the store and let slip the dogs of war !, that's how I would deal
Its a product hazard safety notice at least and a product withdrawal at most.
Ask for compensation, that shit could have killed you if it ruptured your digestive tract somewhere
This toot made me think of Rik Mayall not sure why.
I gotta admit that both Plan9 and Inferno are in consideration, expecisllyas I have 2 almost identical evo's that could be fun with the distributed file systems they offer
I have been, along with the waiting list too.
Im putting a shortlist together of OSs to try, Did you know Nintendo (loosely )delelop an opensource x86 OS called es? I sure as heck did not until a couple of hours ago
All too mainstream for this project π, If I go BSD I would consider ΓrieBSD or MirOS which may be obscure enough
Ooohhh, that may well be an option, and an opportunity to learn
slitaz and their Logo are cool, but like Slax is a little too mainstream for what I havening mind.
Ok fediverse, any suggestions as to which OS I should install on a Compaq Evo N1020v 32bit 2.4Ghz Pentium 4ht with 1gig RAM.
I had earmarked it for AROS but icaros does not run well dues to the hardware
Looking for suggestions for Interesting / obscure OS's please
So far considering either Haiku, FreeDOS, ReactOS, Kolibri or OpenRisc (if there's a x86 version) although these seem a little mainstream
Boosts appreaciated
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