Impromptu No Agenda meetup in Appleton, Wisconsin with @thehotiron and @PhoneBoy and look we even got @adam and @Johncdvorak !
#noagenda #itm 🙏🏻👊🏻
Notices by Sir Phenom of Patriots Nation (
Sir Phenom of Patriots Nation ('s status on Monday, 11-Dec-2017 23:39:47 EST Sir Phenom of Patriots Nation -
Sir Phenom of Patriots Nation ('s status on Friday, 27-Oct-2017 22:10:10 EDT Sir Phenom of Patriots Nation @cGt2099 @Johncdvorak @adam I am still listening and I haven't had one iota of interest in turning it off - it's too entertaining and quality!
Sir Phenom of Patriots Nation ('s status on Tuesday, 17-Oct-2017 09:33:17 EDT Sir Phenom of Patriots Nation @DaDenMan In short, you cannot comment in public with anything that is going against the tide the M5M is spewing.
Look at what the actress Mayam Balik (sp?) said and the backlash she got - she was simply contributing to the conversation, saying that someone with a big nose (hey, I have one too) wasn't a target for the Harvey Weinsteins of the world. So they go after someone with a Ph.D.
I think I'll go out and delete more tweets...
Sir Phenom of Patriots Nation ('s status on Wednesday, 27-Sep-2017 16:11:35 EDT Sir Phenom of Patriots Nation @YoVinnie As @adam said it costs $175/month I am thinking of giving $17.50 + whatever to reinforce NAS to the producers.
Sir Phenom of Patriots Nation ('s status on Sunday, 24-Sep-2017 21:01:16 EDT Sir Phenom of Patriots Nation @ChrisWilson @Lordimpala @dcgirl I heard out NA from, where else, Cranky Geeks! Adam Curry and John C. Dvorak - how could you go wrong?!
And you couldn't - I was hooked! I had cut the cord about a year or so earlier when our old tube TV died and didn't want to bother with another - what it had become - zombie device.
Twitter has been and continues to be a news aggregator for me, but for the last year or so it has been so much noise. NAS has been a sane place to discuss openly
Sir Phenom of Patriots Nation ('s status on Sunday, 24-Sep-2017 18:44:56 EDT Sir Phenom of Patriots Nation @ChrisWilson @Lordimpala @dcgirl I have also been on Triple J...
About a week after 9/11 Francis Leach wants personal takes on it from Americans, and a friend there emailed me and I emailed Francis, and was on.
I have the audio file around my network somewhere... but let's just say it was before I was hit in the mouth... 1/2
Sir Phenom of Patriots Nation ('s status on Sunday, 24-Sep-2017 18:19:51 EDT Sir Phenom of Patriots Nation @ChrisWilson @Lordimpala @dcgirl Ah, you're in Australia... been listening to Triple J since a friend sent me tapes in the 90's, I listened live when I went there in early 2000's and now listen streaming - always liked how you would play the unedited songs the FCC wouldn't let people play here!