"People don't see the irony of saying: we have blocked this entire domain, this entire group of people because they're bigots and xenophobes. Is not blocking a whole group of people based on the action of one the definition of bigotry?" — @adam#noagenda 1148
@adam Data point for prospective CBD oil users. My mother has back pain issues and she tried CBD oil, it worked but the combination of withdrawal from her opioid painkiller and diabetes caused a severe reaction. Her blood sugar spiked to 300 when it should be around 100. We'll be working with her doctor to see if another approach is needed.
I went to a car show today and almost didn't see any nutball political propaganda. Then the idiot in a lifted pickup drove by with a confederate flag. So much for that.
@SirBemrose I was a child of the 90s and the program seemed to actually do its job. I never noticed or heard about any drug abuse in any school I went to.
@PhoneBoy@kgibson especially when the only voting rights we have with our shares are for things like dissolving the company, merger or acquisition, and that’s it. Management gets to circle jerk itself and we have little input. Somehow we are still in business.
@Klaatu my company 401k match vests immediately so that’s not an issue for me. And I’ve been here over a decade anyway. But many places do have crappy vesting schedules.
@kgibson ESOPs are different. Our company is not publicly traded. It’s owned by a “trust” and managed by a board of directors, some who are employed by the company and some who are compensated outsiders. We get a certain amount of stock each year, adjusted for the proportion of employees that have it but exchanging it for cash when you get too much or some bullshit that nobody has ever been able to explain. You can’t sell your stock. It can only be repurchased by the company once you leave.
Employee Stock Ownership Plan companies are a great scam. As a company owner you can sell a minority interest in the company (or the whole kit n kaboodle if you want to cut and run) to the employees and they have zero say in how the company actually operates and they don’t get the money until they leave the company. It’s a giant IOU. I work at one of these places and I never expect to see a dime from the company before it goes under.