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Notices by π³π΄ Thor β not from Bangalore (
Since this instance is giving me so much technical trouble, I'm hopping over to @thor for now. Follow me there!
Skulle gjerne sett denne homo-lobbyen de snakker sΓ₯ mye om... Er det sΓ₯nn dΓΈgnΓ₯pent rosa badekΓ₯pe-party med brukne hΓ₯ndledd, cocktailer og aperitiffer, og lube- og dop-dispensere pΓ₯ toalettet-opplegg eller hva er greia?
We'll know good A.I. is here when recommendation algorithms start being spot on.
Looks like I'm going to have to pay extra if I'm going to take driving lessons after work. Who has time to take daytime lessons? Young people have school or college, older people have a job. There aren't that many unemployeds, retirees, social security recipients and housewives wanting a driver's license, are there?
Rule of Software Complexity: You can't have a complex system that isn't also a buggy system.
Corollary: The only sustainable user interface is a REPL.
Corollary: No matter how advanced your user interface is, the REPL will still have more features.
@frankiesaxx Oh, no, I don't want to geek out on my phone. My phone is like a toaster. You push a button and it does its thing. It's the only time of day when I get to use technology that pretends to not be a computer with all its horrible error-causing complexities.
I'm having a perfectly noodly evening. Improvised a woked noodle dish with ground beef, pineapple, leek, green pepper and premade Chop Suey sauce. It works surprisingly well.
@frankiesaxx Oh, haha, just the Notes app on my Mac/iPhone for now. I have to get it transferred to something better at one point, before there is too much to migrate. If it were possible, I'd use a simple Markdown editor that saves text files directly to a folder structure on Nextcloud.
I have started keeping a personal journal. I wrote backdated entries for January 1 - 3, since I wanted to start it on the first day of the year, and began keeping it in earnest on January 4. Some of what I used to write on here will probably end up there instead.
I suspect this journal will be very useful to me, since it remembers my life much better than I do. From now on, I'll be able to tell people exactly what date various events happened on. For major life events and historical events, I'll be able to go back and see how I reacted to it at the time.
I make sure to highlight important parts so I can skim through and locate stuff later on.
I gotta remember to regularly back up my accounts on the Fediverse. I was worried that was permanently down there for a moment. Another thing to schedule in my calendar, I suppose.
@skypage I mainly just want to know if I'll get in trouble for sharing controversial political views. Also, I'd like to know if they refuse to federate with any instances.
@noelle Those big corporations and their billboards wouldn't exist in the first place if we weren't consumerist whores in the first place. If we all spent our money sensibly and didn't throw our money after large corporations, the world would look very different. Billions of people in the developing world aspire to the lifestyle of 1950s America and have no intention of changing course.
The number of gay friends I have just went from zero to one.
My best friend from high school came out as bi to me last night.
That new apartment he recently bought? Shared with his boyfriend. The interesting part is that he made sure to emphasise that all the conservative views he shared with me over the holiday were genuine, and let me know that he isn't a fan of the gay agenda, not beyond permitting same-sex people to marry at the courthouse anyway.
I was surprised, but not *that* surprised: He's a good looking extroverted 35-year-old unmarried guy with a slightly theatrical demeanor and very neat hair who works as a nurse.
Interesting. Circle K is described as a "convenience store chain" on Wikipedia, but in Norway, they bought all the Statoil gas stations. Therfore, there are no Circle K locations in Norway that don't sell gas. Most people here know 7-Eleven as a convenience store chain and Circle K as a gas station chain. There are no manned gas stations in Norway that aren't also convenience stores. Having gas pumps is the bare minimum, but the typical expectation is that they also sell fresh hot dogs, coffee, pastries and refrigerated drinks, together with a small selection of groceries and car accessories.
I had to make a GitHub account again today because a customer at work uses a business GitHub account for development. At least it isn't attached to my personal email address...
I started a new job in late November 2018 and have been walking 1.6 km (1 mi) a day since then.
See how the trend line on this weight loss curve (in kilograms) gets steeper around day 245? That's when I started the new job. Apparently, that minimal level of exercise is actually making a difference.
Working out never made a dent in my weight before I had the surgery. My problems were just too severe to fix with diet and exercise. I would've had to put in an inhuman effort on both fronts, and it was just more than I could manage.
I'll give the alt-right this: They aren't afraid of fearlessly debating taboo subjects, and of saying exactly what comes to their minds. They seem more liberated than the politically correct crowd, who appear to be deathly afraid of getting real.
There is this persistent denial of painfully obvious things, which is exactly what sowed the seed for the alt-right movement to begin with.
If you want to fit into polite society, there are certain opinions you can't hold, for fear of being ostracised; opinions that once had wide appeal among people of European descent until the middle of the 20th century.
The facts on the ground didn't change; it just became unfashionable to interpret them in a certain way due to political events and ensuing changes in the political climate during the latter half of the 20th century.
I don't think it's self-evident that the idea of progress should apply to social issues. Progress in science and medicine is easy to objectively measure. Progress in social issues is merely a matter of opinion. While it's possible to argue that the suffering of oppressed groups should be reduced, it's equally possible to argue that this will lead to increased suffering for the majority on the long term.
The culture of the present will always be narcissistic, believing itself to be an improvement on past cultures, but again: What is your measuring stick for that?
Millennials are currently between 22 and 37 years old. The oldest have at least 15 years of work experience; the youngest have just graduated from college.
If you wish to discuss the current cohort of teenagers, the term you want is iGen.
Early Millennials are borderline Gen X'ers. Late Millennials are borderline iGen'ers.
For example, I was born in 1983 and can remember the end of the 80s, MTV with actual music on it, George H. W. Bush being POTUS, Gorbachev and the fall of the Berlin Wall. Late Millennials won't remember any of that, and might not even remember 9/11, since the youngest of them would've only been 5 years old at the time, whereas I was 18.
Trump loves Norway because we grow his hair.
"Because postmodern critical theory views the search for truth as always defined by oneβs place in an oppression matrix, thinking thereβs an objective truth that can be discovered is turned into a moral problem. Seeking objective truth is viewed as an attempt to βcolonizeβ others with our truth claims; and because we are all situated (by time, place, culture, sexuality, etc.), there can be no Truth. In short, seeking objective, non-situated Truth is viewed as an act of oppression. And it is this final turn that has not only put the emancipatory project of the Enlightenment beyond our grasp but also outside of what is deemed morally conscionable."
This is the dark side of social justice, and plays into what I posted earlier about the clash between evolutionary behaviourism and the mind-as-a-blank-slate mentality of sosial justice warriors.
If the mind is a blank slate, and everything is a social construct, there can be no objective truth about the mind.
It's not possible to reach consensus on anything political in a society where one half believes in the tabula rasa and the other half does not. In crucial theory, humans have few if any innate traits and society can be shaped as one pleases. In what you might call traditional theory (which includes Darwinism) humans have a number of innate traits and society must be shaped around these.