Hitler organized them, gave them a “mission” and a banner, told them that the workers and worker’s organizations were their main enemies. Hitler spoke often, in those days, to meetings of manufacturers associations; he won their support mainly by his success in breaking up workers’ meetings. (2/2) -- Harry Braverman 1941
The Fascist camp of Hitler grew and fed itself on the social decay and on the refusal of the working class leaders to translate their words into action. The unemployed, the youth who had never had jobs, the ruined middle class – all the demoralized and declassed sections of the population – served as the reservoir from which Hitler drew his support. Official society had squeezed them from its pores; (1/2)
Since I have been trouble finding the right RAM for my Lenovo X200. Has anyone successfully upgraded said device to 8GB RAM and which DIMMS did you use? Pls boost.
Maybe #scuttlebutt does not scale up to the internet, but it looks like human scale and given the gossip nature and connecton modes one would probably not exceed following the dunbar number of people anyway?
Hm, so far I did accounting with ledger on my own, now I need some kind of easy visualisation and data entry via a web interface. Is there something you can recommend?
@ajroach42 One thought that came to mind when reading this again: Although the concepts where foreign, the explanation treats the reader as a grown up human that wants to use a tool. Not as a consumer of some show effect. Also compare the Jupiter ACE manual that explains Forth to the general populace.
So what are your alternatives to amazon? While everyone is mad at google et al. They do know what you are shopping for, what you watch and what you read...
@clacke@kaniini And XDA culture is everything I despise. Some people invest a lot of time (or not?) and then throw binaries in zips hosted on questoinable servers at you...
What you should not forget is that: public posts are public, private posts may still be public if sent to dishonest servers, DMs are not protected by encryption and rely on both involved instance's honesty. If you allow everyone to follow you your data may get mined just as on the commercial platforms. If you have a commercial bot (in disguise) in your followers, it will see and mine those toots. Just being a federation is no silver bullet to the privacy issue. But ou aren't the product anymore.