it's KIND OF WEIRD to think that Germans just grow up knowing that there's *literally tons* of explosives buried around the towns they live in that MIGHT blow up at any point especially if disturbed but they probably won't so it's just kind of taken as a fact of life
I'd previously mumbled about how growing up in post-WW2 Germany is a bit weird because construction work keeps turning up unexploded bombs and everyone just kind of goes "oh, okay, another one of those"
there was one found in Nuremberg again yesterday but when searching for news reports about it I'm just finding other articles about one found in February (also in Nuremberg)
here's a screenshot of the "related articles" bit from one of them "My roommate got super stoned a couple weeks back and found out you can order a personalized big toblerone. He immediately forgot about it until it showed up last night"
it's a long long list in various formats of bits of text that are liable to cause Problems when you use them as user input, from control characters to fancy unicode to things that look like rude words to simple script injections
award-winning German educational show Löwenzahn, 1988: Peter Lustig visits a water treatment plant to show how it all works award-winning German educational show Löwenzahn, 2019: ahegao carp, swearwords within 30 seconds of opening
TIL that apparently in German kids' TV it's acceptable to have a goofy little animation with horny carp to explain the lifecycle of fish [CW: spunking cartoon fish]
Wild Zero is a little weird because it runs with the whole "oh no, the pretty girl has a dick" trope throughout but then is legitimately quite heartfelt about "but it's fine, who actually cares"