I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate.
I don't know enough about the history of the mastodon dev process to comment on the bulk of that article's content, but calling mastodon "apolitical" is both careless as an observation of what happens on here *and* a deep misunderstanding of what it means to be "political"
Flat is a pure-Python 2D drawing library "for creating and manipulating digital forms of fine arts. [...] It grew out of the needs for generative design, architecture and art." exports to SVG and so easily embeds in a jupyter notebook (`display(SVG(page.svg())`). I have been looking for something like this forever, it's a little quirky but seems too good to be true https://xxyxyz.org/flat/
@darius@migurski@dphiffer i have long since resigned myself to setting aside an afternoon whenever i want to install some software, no matter how trivial the software, just in case; and to the knowledge that any given piece of software will stop working five minutes after i install it, if i so much as exhale or look at it funny
from Goldberg, Natalie. Writing down the Bones: Freeing the Writer Within. Shambala, 1986, p. 8. (_Writing Down the Bones_, according to Wikipedia, "sold over a million copies and is considered an influential work on the craft of writing." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natalie_Goldberg if "free writing" was put forth as a method in any of your creative writing classes from elementary school to college, chances are your teacher got the idea from this book)
@ultimape not just a talk, a whole two-week workshop with classes and everything. if I had the time and even the slightest license to spend that kind of cash right now I would apply in a heartbeat
SPEAKING OF tech/arts things in NYC, this session at the School for Poetic Computation in feb looks amazing http://sfpc.io/codepaper/
"When we fold, we imbue an inert material with pattern, structure, animation, function, and interface; a crease in paper is a re-programming of the material’s memory. Folded structures give us a means to touch and manipulate difficult problems.... With an increased knowledge of folding mechanisms can we build more sustainable, ecologically-aware technology?"
Todd Anderson runs a talk/presentation/performance series in NYC called WordHack for people "working at the intersection of language and technology"—it's consistently excellent and a very important community for me. anyway, he's doing an open call for presenters in 2019: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfz0K0Ma6pz0Pp-pgZ08f2H0GKqhkY80KTtw1rDNte5ix_KRQ/viewform if you're in NYC (or plan to be on any of the listed dates) and you think your work fits the bill, you should sign up!
(in general I think people really underestimate the cats' ability to be happy and excited in an emotive way? or maybe I am just blessed with two very emotive kitties.)
the other cat, shumai (who has been benefiting from your generosity on her chemotherapy gofundme, thank you again everyone!) gave me nose-boop kisses but didn't even want skritches for a while. I think she was mad at me. oh well. here they are btw
I just wanted to talk about how excited my cat Althea was to see me when I got home from my ~3 week stint of travel yesterday. usually Althea is really standoffish after a long absence—the first time I was away for a long time, it felt like it took her a few days to even remember who I was. but yesterday she saw me, immediately gave me nose-boop kisses and flopped over onto her back in her kitteny way and wouldn't let me stop petting her for like thirty minutes. it was good and adorable
That's the sound of the men Workin' on the Markov chain gang All day long the sound of the men work right hear them moanin' their Live me water, I'm thir lives away Then working on the chain ga-a-ang That's the sound byways And wearing, wearing That's the men working of the Men working on the me watere That's the sound byways All day long the-ere That's the sound of the men Working on the highways so hard Give men workingin'
“I voted for him, and he’s the one who’s doing this,” Minton told Mazzei. “I thought he was going to do good things. He’s not hurting the people he needs to be hurting.”
White Americans keep telling us they don't give a shit about a healthy nation. They just want to hurt people they don't like. That has been most prominent motivation for the white vote since the country was founded.