What software engineering doesn't have (and the industry has resisted) that a lot of other technical & maintenance related industries do have is a licensing system based on a test of competence & a period of apprenticeship. (Doctors, lawyers, plumbers, electricians, and hairdressers all have this.)
Also, no unions or meaningful professional societies.
@ajroach42@jk (5) As a result, anybody who can knock together a web page thinks they can support a million users, and the people who need to support a million users believe them, and the idea of "supporting a million users" decays to the point where they de-facto succeed (because nobody else does any better). It's bad for everybody, not least beginners who don't know how to improve.
@ajroach42@duck57 I would say: Most FOSS is DIY, but the mindshare when people think of FOSS is not DIY projects.
90%+ of open source software is something one person wrote in an afternoon and slapped a license on, and fewer than ten other people run it and they've all made their own modifications.
The remaining 10% is massive sprawling incomprehensible messes like GIMP or anything owned by Apache. But since everybody uses those, we think of them first.
bad idea of the day: A game where the protagonist inherits a memex from a distant relative & must navigate the complex structure of interlinked footnotes, shopping lists, and marginal scrawl in order to discover who & why
There are two classes of bug. One is where the program doesn't match your mental model of the program. The other is when the problem doesn't match your mental model of the problem. Most bugs are both.
@saper Nothing's natural about having a web browser. Web browsers are common simply because there was so much pressure for people to download one in the early 90s that OS vendors started shipping them on-disk.
We did it in the 90s and we can do it again with something that sucks less, if we put in the same amount of effort.
We're living in an environment where having the primary way you interact with a system or application be via a browser is considered acceptable and natural.
I would like to begin transitioning to an environment where social pressure gets people to feel slightly ashamed of doing things the hard way unless doing them the hard way is the point. Step one is that writing a web app is embarassing unless it's done ironically.
@dvddpl@enkiv2 There's this old joke that Perl was an april fool's day prank Larry Wall pulled & that when nobody caught on he decided to pretend he was serious to see how long he could get away with it. This is how I feel about all web tech. (The actual history -- HTML and HTTP were built in a weekend in order to illustrate hypertext concepts to suits in order to convince them to fund TBL's real hypertext project)
@dvddpl@enkiv2 Then, in terms of actually hosting them -- gopher is simpler, lighter-weight, basically altogether better for hosting static documents in a temporary fashion. IPFS actually enforces that the documents remain static and doesn't break when your host goes down. Between the two there's no circumstance in which HTTP is the best way to host a static document either.
@dvddpl@enkiv2 HTML is insufficiently rich to represent the stuff you need to simulate textual printed matter -- tex is better here. It's not rich enough to represent the range of stuff that can be printed (better to use postscript or images). It can barely represent anything that's not printable (limited to jump-links and anchor points). There's no case where HTML is the ideal format for a document.