Man, it’s July already and there have been a grand total of four records this year I’ve been excited about: Heavy Devy, Kid Koala, Piroshka and Bluke. That’s it.
@djsundog I'm in town but so are the in-laws so my time is probably spoken for; once again the spatiotemporal coordinates of the sundog-chili nexus are not coincident with this continuity!
I really enjoyed Arkham Asylum and Arkham City and spent considerable time chasing cheevos, but *everything* in Arkham Knight seems designed to slow me down. I can't even complete basic objectives like Put The Canister In The Tube because I have stop and read the onscreen prompts for what button to push. Left Stick to pick up the canister, but X to put it in the tube? seriously? phreeow. Given the reviews I'm clearly in the minority but this is so not the game for me.
if I had to classify the kinds of work I have been doing lately, it would be hard to be more exacting than "Complicated And Possibly Ill-Advised." Experimenting with the kind of service integrations that nobody anticipated and even fewer people approve of but which will be transformative if I can just make them bloody work.
"Never worked this hard in my life," I say every week.
borbsite all worked up about the cloudflare outage: omg lolz you regex much bro?
anyone with a lick of sense: why did you choose to deploy this globally, knowingly circumventing your staggered rollout automation? That must be an interesting story.
Matrix Revolutions is still a frustrating end to a story that deserved more than it got. It's unforgivable that Neo and Smith were bookends for a cut-rate Heinlein story that took a full half of the running time, when the first two films worked so hard at establishing their philosophical tension throughout. Shooting squids for 40 minutes tells us nothing. sigh.
Still, it's an enduring tale and I'm glad ot exists, warts and shoulder pads and all.
Sigur Rós is reissuing Ágaetis byrjun with a bajillion demos, unreleased tracks and a live album, on vinyl, including digital, with a retrospective book, all in a beautiful box. This is what's known in the industry as chilibait™️