@clacke Inside the US, airports are inconvenient (especially since the TSA's creation) and airlines are relatively expensive. When feasible, I much prefer to drive instead of flying.
Example: I can drive 6-8 hours to visit my brother in NorCal or I can: * drive an hour plus to the nearest airport * go through checkin * go through TSA and hope they're happy with my crotch scan and don't need to touch me * wait another 1-2 hours [1] until boarding and takeoff * fly an hour or so * get my luggage * rent a car * drive an hour to get to where he lives
[1] If you're not at least 2 hours early, a busy day at the airport can cause you to miss your flight while you are queued up for airline checkin or #TSA
I congratulated her on being able to imagine well enough to play such games. I told her about a friend’s daughter who used to play “pretend this” and “pretend that”. After a few minutes, I would have a headache from the effort of trying to imagine so much.
I also recall that when #sonTwo was in high school, he found an article in which #SoCal theme parks (including #Disneyland, which was mentioned as being known for its low pay) were building apartment buildings for their employees to live in because their pay was insufficient to pay then-current rental rates.
I'm not saying this to disparage #Disney. I get it. Theme parks are a service business and the easiest way to make them profitable is to constrain labor costs. But you know, pay down your debt, so you can use some of your current interest payments to pay your employees a decent wage.
Back when I was in college and working in fast food, a competitor came to town offering more than 20% above minimum wage. I was already making above minimum wage, but I still stood in line with 10,000 other people to apply. They were starting people at more than I made after 2 years with that $EMPLOYER, so why wouldn't I take a shot at the new employer?
#Disneyland Paris wants to hire up to 8,500 people at a wage that is 2% over minimum wage. They're already discussing how difficult it will be to fill those openings but they haven't thought about increasing the compensation to a level that competes successfully with other options those prospective employees could choose.
To me, that's a major fail for #Disney. If you can't find people to do the work, raise the pay, raise the benefits, improve the working conditions and eventually you'll find people.
@fu I have seen some people claim "Paw Patrol" is fascist. But having watched the show with my grandkids, those people are making that up in their own minds.
Paw Patrol is puppies driving vehicles. It is a perfect magnet for 3-5 year old boys. And because the pups use their vehicles to benefit the community, it could even be said to teach public service, except it is purely mindless throw-away entertainment for small boys.
(I cannot say whether girls like it, as the female grandkids are too old for it.)
If there's an argument to be made against the show, it is that it lacks educational value. Most of the limited time my grandsons get in front of a screen should be things to help them learn.