#Son1 (age 46): I have more wrinkles than you do! That's not fair!
I've caught up beard-wise. He and his brother (10 years younger) started getting patches of white in their beards when I still had only a couple of white hairs.
@clacke Are Hongkongers suffering through time shifts also? In the Los Angeles area I remember it becoming midnight level darkness at 18:00 in late November and early December ... by 16:00 the sun was just above the horizon, which curtailed outdoor activities. But part of that is the end of daylight saving time.
Do they kick the person out? Do they continue as they have been? What is the reasoning for whatever choices they make?
As usual, we're coming at it from different perspectives (different from each other as well as different from where I think we each would have come from a few years earlier).
I just used Google maps to estimate the distances from the building where I lived to each of the three closest supermarkets. Surprisingly, it was only around 2.5 miles / 4.0 kilometers walk in each direction ... for some reason, I remember it being longer.
Anyway, we often relied upon neighborhood markets that were essentially convenience stores. I think there being little concession to the needs of pedestrians also made it a little more challenging.
@fu You mean you don't have to sit at a table in front of the local supermarkets selling GS cookies? I thought that was the whole idea of being a girl scout parent.
When I was much younger, I worked at the local liquor store. A frequent customer named Phil had four daughters. He would let us know that it was girl scout cookie season, and would bring each of his four daughters individually to sell us cookies.
At the time, I made $64/week after taxes, so having $10 gobbled up by fundraising was a significant crimp.
@fu I didn't like cheese until I was in my early twenties. I suspect that pre-sliced "cheese" was already some sort of processed food product. What happened was I signed up for a cheese club and got European cheeses shipped to my door. They were surprisingly good.
Even today, I'm not a fan of sliced cheese-like food product.
Former #LA_Dodgers first base player Steve Garvey is talking about running for Senate to replace Dianne Feinstein. They didn't clearly say which side of the #twin_parties he's on, but I would guess GOP.