Notices by Hattie Cat (, page 3
Hattie Cat ('s status on Saturday, 15-Dec-2018 00:35:20 EST
Hattie CatRuh roh - major security flaw in Linux for MIPS kernels between 2001 and 2016 - executable stack. MIPS powers a lot of devices such home routers.  Also 'none of the routers made consistent use of basic software safety features like ASLR, stack guards, and DEP - features'. Literally the Internet of Shit.
@bob Their algos are not so "smart" but then again, with advertising the inferred profile doesn't have to be 100% right, it merely has to be better than a random scattergun approach. Unfortunately, some applications try to infer political affiliation, race, gender etc. and extend the application beyond merely flogging tat.
@bob @ekaitzzarraga @aral @paul @measlytwerp Open about:config, search for all settings with 'http' in them, delete the string. (Except maybe for update notifications.)
And indeed it might not be currently active and might just log locally. If so then why call it telemetry instead of a log file, which is the standard terminology for local monitoring?
Also it might be harmless now, but maybe a few versions later...
@moonman Just part of the dumpster fire that is python. Don't even start talking to me about deployment to other environments. (Oh, all the libraries you use are incompatible with the system ones, and some don't even compile on this platform.)
#Cloudflare is blocking me again. Asks me to tackle a challenge that requires #javascript to get past, basically making my surfing a lot less convenient, far less secure, and making the Web a much more dangerous place. Webmasters, boycott CF.
So if you want to pressure companies in this way you'll have to pressure them to change their business models. Doing anything else will just be like deckchairs on the Titanic.