Merry Christmas ya filthy animal.
Notices by Andrew (R.S Admin) (, page 12
Andrew (R.S Admin) ('s status on Sunday, 01-Dec-2019 21:49:49 EST Andrew (R.S Admin) -
Andrew (R.S Admin) ('s status on Sunday, 01-Dec-2019 21:48:17 EST Andrew (R.S Admin) @Username_Here_ASAP Divide and concord, my friend.
Andrew (R.S Admin) ('s status on Sunday, 01-Dec-2019 21:45:58 EST Andrew (R.S Admin) In spite of poor reviews, I consider Home Alone 2 to be the pinnacle of the series.
Revisiting it as an adult, I find it shocking that I was allowed to watch something so utterly grotesque and violent as a kid, much less that we watched it as often as we did.
Andrew (R.S Admin) ('s status on Sunday, 01-Dec-2019 21:33:00 EST Andrew (R.S Admin) Dar and I watched the Star Wars Holiday Special (again) today.
He had never seen it before.
When it was over he looked at me very solemnly and said "What is wrong with you? Why would you watch that willingly?"
Andrew (R.S Admin) ('s status on Sunday, 01-Dec-2019 02:12:12 EST Andrew (R.S Admin) @danhunsaker it doesn't take long to compile, or at least it didn't on my pinebook, and the instructions are pretty straightforward
Andrew (R.S Admin) ('s status on Saturday, 30-Nov-2019 23:32:55 EST Andrew (R.S Admin) It looks like #snis runs without issue on my pinebook pro.
Or, at least, it *launches* without error.
I don't have enough people around to actually try to play tonight, but I'll try again tomorrow.
Has anyone tried to run this on a pi4? I bet it'd run on the pi4. I'm going to try that tomorrow too.
Andrew (R.S Admin) ('s status on Saturday, 30-Nov-2019 21:50:03 EST Andrew (R.S Admin) @erinbee I have not!
Andrew (R.S Admin) ('s status on Saturday, 30-Nov-2019 21:42:15 EST Andrew (R.S Admin) @Username_Here_ASAP you want harmonquest s3?
Gus TT Showbiz ('s status on Saturday, 30-Nov-2019 21:33:49 EST Gus TT Showbiz @ajroach42 @me The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern and Station Eleven by Emily St John Mandel are on the fantasy-ish side of adventure, but they're really fucking good
Mlepclaynos ('s status on Saturday, 30-Nov-2019 21:20:36 EST Mlepclaynos @ajroach42 the Ancillary Justice trilogy by Ann Leckie and the Ninefox Gambit trilogy by Yoon Ha Lee are both absolutely amazing and some of the best sci-fi I’ve ever read -
Andrew (R.S Admin) ('s status on Saturday, 30-Nov-2019 21:20:35 EST Andrew (R.S Admin) @danhunsaker I haven't put one together yet. Goinf to take a crack at it tomorrow. When I do, I'll stick it up somewhere and share it with @smcameron who wrote the game.
Andrew (R.S Admin) ('s status on Saturday, 30-Nov-2019 21:03:56 EST Andrew (R.S Admin) next time I do a print run of blue beetle comics, I'll run off an extra.
Andrew (R.S Admin) ('s status on Saturday, 30-Nov-2019 20:36:58 EST Andrew (R.S Admin) @Ethancdavenport I *think* we will have enough people for two full crews. If not, we'll rotate. I'll make sure you get to live your dreams. Message ash about working with her on an insignia if you're feeling froggy.
Andrew (R.S Admin) ('s status on Saturday, 30-Nov-2019 20:23:19 EST Andrew (R.S Admin)
Digital or on paper? -
Andrew (R.S Admin) ('s status on Saturday, 30-Nov-2019 16:40:33 EST Andrew (R.S Admin) @compostablespork that sounds ludicrous, but in an enjoyable way.
gdkar ('s status on Saturday, 30-Nov-2019 16:30:32 EST gdkar @ajroach42 "go ask the fuck" also has a certain ring to it 🤔
Andrew (R.S Admin) ('s status on Saturday, 30-Nov-2019 16:29:56 EST Andrew (R.S Admin) @compostablespork what's a pickleball?
Andrew (R.S Admin) ('s status on Saturday, 30-Nov-2019 16:28:38 EST Andrew (R.S Admin) "Go ask the duck" is my new phrase of choice when indicating that someone should use a search engine.
It's not as succinct as "Duck it" but it is significantly less likely to get autocorrected to fuck it.
Andrew (R.S Admin) ('s status on Saturday, 30-Nov-2019 16:10:04 EST Andrew (R.S Admin) @Username_Here_ASAP we gotta fix that.
Andrew (R.S Admin) ('s status on Saturday, 30-Nov-2019 15:49:30 EST Andrew (R.S Admin) @68km I'll block the instance.