@Sw0rdDooM thank you for the useful links. I'm not sure I understood the bottom part, so I'm going to tag in my German speaking friend @Ethancdavenport to potentially translate.
Notices by Andrew (R.S Admin) (ajroach42@retro.social), page 8
Andrew (R.S Admin) (ajroach42@retro.social)'s status on Saturday, 07-Dec-2019 12:33:06 EST Andrew (R.S Admin)
Andrew (R.S Admin) (ajroach42@retro.social)'s status on Saturday, 07-Dec-2019 03:12:34 EST Andrew (R.S Admin)
(jupyter is pretty neat in a "wow this is really over abstracted" kind of way. Where was this when I was in school?)
Andrew (R.S Admin) (ajroach42@retro.social)'s status on Saturday, 07-Dec-2019 03:10:38 EST Andrew (R.S Admin)
So what cloud providers have gpu instances that aren't AWS?
DO doesn't. I saw something called paper space or similar, but I've never heard of them before.
At this point, I think my best option might be to rent four hours on a gpu instance somewhere and spin up the docker image for this monster.
The thought of depending on Nvidia docker isn't super appealing, but I'll take what I can get.
Andrew (R.S Admin) (ajroach42@retro.social)'s status on Saturday, 07-Dec-2019 01:57:40 EST Andrew (R.S Admin)
@audiodude Totally missed it. Thanks!
Managed to get all the pre-reqs installed, but it chokes because I don't have enough free vram.
Andrew (R.S Admin) (ajroach42@retro.social)'s status on Saturday, 07-Dec-2019 01:44:28 EST Andrew (R.S Admin)
(or I guess I could rent time on a cloud somewhere, but I do enough of that at work.)
Andrew (R.S Admin) (ajroach42@retro.social)'s status on Saturday, 07-Dec-2019 01:14:33 EST Andrew (R.S Admin)
My GPU only has 2GB of RAM and it appears that is simply not enough for this code to run.
So I guess I gotta stop fiddling around with this stuff until I have a more powerful computer to play with.
Andrew (R.S Admin) (ajroach42@retro.social)'s status on Friday, 06-Dec-2019 23:33:22 EST Andrew (R.S Admin)
@Vamp898 tell me about your music, and maybe send me a link or two?
Or just tell me about what kinda movie you'd be interested in working on.
Andrew (R.S Admin) (ajroach42@retro.social)'s status on Friday, 06-Dec-2019 21:46:19 EST Andrew (R.S Admin)
Yeah, I think I'm going to go home and listen to Dave Brubeck on my stereo instead of in my headphones, and try and get this code running on my desktop.
I'll throw a small video at it and see what happens?
Wish me luck.
Andrew (R.S Admin) (ajroach42@retro.social)'s status on Friday, 06-Dec-2019 21:45:22 EST Andrew (R.S Admin)
I'm reading the using it yourself section, and it sounds like I'm going to need to do this on my desktop (and that even that graphics card might not be enough) and that I just need to download some files and open them with something called jupyter.
So I guess I need to go figure out what that is?
Andrew (R.S Admin) (ajroach42@retro.social)'s status on Friday, 06-Dec-2019 21:43:22 EST Andrew (R.S Admin)
I'm not useless on this front, I'm pretty technically competent. I just need a nudge in the right direction, as this is a Bunch of stuff I've never touched.
Andrew (R.S Admin) (ajroach42@retro.social)'s status on Friday, 06-Dec-2019 21:36:03 EST Andrew (R.S Admin)
If this sounds like your kind of thing, let me know! I'm paying, and I'm open to discussing other ways I can help.
Movies I'm considering:
- Safety Last
- Nosferatu
- The General
- A Message From Marsalso every Georges Melies silent short, but especially A Trip to the Moon.
Andrew (R.S Admin) (ajroach42@retro.social)'s status on Friday, 06-Dec-2019 21:34:30 EST Andrew (R.S Admin)
HEY! #Musicians and #Music people!
I have had an idea for a wacky project kicking around in my head for months and I want to try and bring it to life as part of my Film Preservation efforts.
I want to commission some new, original scores for silent films. There are a couple near the top of my list, and I have some faint feels about style, but I'm really just looking for musicians who think this is a neat idea and want to work with me to create something cool.
Andrew (R.S Admin) (ajroach42@retro.social)'s status on Friday, 06-Dec-2019 20:21:52 EST Andrew (R.S Admin)
EVERY Time I put on my portapros I am surprised by how good they sound, and how LOUD they can get on even the mediocre amp in my cheapest laptop.
The Koss Portapros are good, and the fact that Miles Davis' Soundtrack to the film Jack Johnson is entirely drowning out the generic 70s and 80s top 40 hits that this coffee shop is playing far too enthusiastically is even better.
Some X-Files (assortedfiles@botsin.space)'s status on Thursday, 05-Dec-2019 23:21:53 EST Some X-Files
Scully argues with Mulder about signs from God. Mulder hallucinates that Scully will be killed by ugly ghosts.
Dan Fixes Coin-Ops (ifixcoinops@mastodon.social)'s status on Thursday, 05-Dec-2019 23:30:35 EST Dan Fixes Coin-Ops
@ajroach42 He'll maul you when you're sleeping
He'll bite when you're awake
He don't care if you're bad or good
He is a tiger -
Dan Fixes Coin-Ops (ifixcoinops@mastodon.social)'s status on Thursday, 05-Dec-2019 23:28:57 EST Dan Fixes Coin-Ops
@ajroach42 You'd better not shout
You'd better not cry
You'd better not pout
I'm telling you why
Santa Claus
Is a tiger -
Andrew (R.S Admin) (ajroach42@retro.social)'s status on Thursday, 05-Dec-2019 23:27:34 EST Andrew (R.S Admin)
@ifixcoinops I thought for a second that this was lines to a new version of santa clause is coming to town.
He sees you when you're sleeping. He knows when you're awake. He'll maul you if you go to fast, becuase he is a tiger.
Andrew (R.S Admin) (ajroach42@retro.social)'s status on Thursday, 05-Dec-2019 23:25:56 EST Andrew (R.S Admin)
@Username_Here_ASAP that's really gross.
Andrew (R.S Admin) (ajroach42@retro.social)'s status on Thursday, 05-Dec-2019 23:25:49 EST Andrew (R.S Admin)
@Username_Here_ASAP this is really pretty.
Andrew (R.S Admin) (ajroach42@retro.social)'s status on Thursday, 05-Dec-2019 22:57:42 EST Andrew (R.S Admin)
I got my telecine machine today, but it arrived too late for me to start using it.
I'll start using it tomorrow!