across the world from you, this is outside our back door today.
all done travelling. We feel as far from commercial Christmas as one could be. no decorations, no tree, (not even any presents except these: a load of crackers brought from the local primary school. they will have jokes written by 8 yr olds and maybe a sweet or plastic toy inside)
here we are, all together, and that is everything.
(and I feel together with you too, even if through a screen)
it's almost airport o'clock (again, take two) fingers crossed this time there are just overpriced chocolates and perfumes and no drones at the airport. ;)
OH MY GOODNESS!!!! We've been baking. (our response to missing the first 3 days of our holiday... the Grand Canyon, and instead having rain at home) We did something EPIC. I got this fab book for Christmas and we Baked (capitol 'B') OH MY YUM! (it took us two days to make the pastry)
@dogtrax@katebowles There is only so much we can do within the system we have wrought. We can try to lay down parallel tracks that have different destinations, but we are still using trains that have tracks and cars and engines. Does it become yours, whatever 'it' is? I think it does by definition. We enter into the fediverse with our eyes open, yes? I think the problem is that we do not enter with clear eyes. We can't. We have to make that road by walking it in good faith.
When something is so beautiful it makes you weep? oh my. I hardly believe today can be real. It started with taking my student to play piano at a lunch with Alexander Bernstein, & finished with Chichester Psalms in the cathedral for Bernstein's centenary. The entire place erupted with joy & I kept weeping it was so beautiful. The music was bliss and sounded like home. It was the most beautiful thing. When I'm 100 I so want a concert like that. #thisday
@katebowles@tdorey 2/2 online, my comment can be seen 'in the flow of the stream' as passing, despite being personal and pertinent. -and any future communication *can* (does not have to be) be in the context of a 'public' exchange. It takes either conscious construction or willingness to receive and reciprocate to make deep relationships here. It can certainly be done ! Heck, we have all travelled continents to visit one another irl. I'm grateful for our certainly not-shallow relationships 🌸
@katebowles@tdorey with online relationships it takes that extra step. It is possible to comment, with something meaningful and personal - that would come from a definitely non-shallow relationship, but it must be /emph/received (I'd italicise that) and is entirely possible to ignore it in a way that doesn't happen (acceptably) irl. for example, I can say something here and you can blank me. No biggie, and we go on. irl, you probably wouldn't make the effort to communicate with me again. (cont)