out gig is going to be here http://kulakswoodshed.com/calendar/ on Sunday Feb 17 and it gets live streamed! EEEEEEEEK! (go open practice ;) ) Challenge? yes. Nervous? very. Are we still going to do it? yes. and why not?
@fgraver for me, punishment is not healthy. Yes, look to see what the root is and hopefully find a path to improve. Isn't it wonderful that one path to improve memory is the practiced verbal recall - Imagine that, storytelling as dedicated practice. :)
(I do feel your frustration though, and yes, it happens to me too - huge chunks of not-memory) ...let's keep telling/writing those stories.
I wonder though, how much more or less similar this experience is to a small (young person)? Think for a minute of asking a 6 year old to recall something back a few weeks, or asking a 16 year old (who does have the cognitive mapping to remember) to recall something 6 years ago. How much more do we have to remember?
Just like in a concert, give yourself credit for all the important things you do remember.
on the plane I watched 'Won't you be my neighbor' (Mr. Rogers) and I wept and wept and wept. (sometimes I do that -with moving things, with beauty & laughter- weeping is not confined to sadness for me. It happens with anything that touches my soul)
There is something about the desert and travel and together. We will walk and explore, and even in the smallest taste, it is wonderful to be in this place. -and we almost found a tree.
We are in a combination of a peaceful heaven and the Fire Swamp (Princess Bride). Visiting someone who lives alone, a hoarder, damaged, who has cocoon life around her, and when people from the past appear, so do the ways of the past. I tamed that Swamp years ago. Came out, moved on. Now my children see what I escaped and left behind. I wonder if our being here will give any healing. I hope beyond hope it does.