@katebowles@letthewatersroar no but, but, but - the voice of one does matter. The impact is not readily assessable or even visible in the way that corporate push is seen, but as we well know: One vote does matter. One person not doing X does matter. -and it's not just one here, it's over a million. May be decentralised, but not without impact or meaning- perhaps one day we'll find it was even greater than the commercial. -maybe not 'we' but our children will find out the impact of what we do.
@blamb pps I just realised I replied to a 2 year old post ! looked to see if you had visited and I missed anything from you. Got excited and didn't look at the date. Hope you read part of that book since then, sometimes it takes me that long to read stuff. Regardless of reading or not, it is still nice to see you here. :)
@blamb I hope you read it. It is like a conversation that you already had that someone just wrote down for you. That's how it made me feel. - a good thing, a good place, a good discussion - that can take place because it is separated from the mess of now that might be the thing keeping you from starting it. @bryanalexander had a book club on it a while back and there was lots fo great discussion.
i wish when you bought a guitar it came with a picture of the tree the body was made from and a description of where the tree grew, maybe it was near a road or overlooked a hill or a cliff, maybe a lake or a river, maybe also some details about all the birds that lived in it, or small mammals or lizards, was the tree easily climbable by a person? maybe it’d have that kinda info, that’d be good, might pay a couple bucks extra for that
@Downes give me an hour or two... watch this space. (the hour or two is not because I can't do a g-doc, but because it has to fit around the morning school/work stuff!) 😉
@Altruest can you sit down? - or maybe get a tall stool? I suppose the context matters. In my uni classes, I have one day with way too much teaching - 6 hours of lectures on the trot in 2 hour blocks. I start all standing and by the second one I think I've toned it down by 20% and by the third one I'm sitting on the floor with everyone.
@Food when you feel like that, make sure to take care of you.
Speaking as a musician (and of performance) it is possible to feel like a superhero in those times. My accompanist used to say - drive home carefully. Remember you are still mortal.
@GeoffreyGevalt me too! I will read and I'm sure enjoy. I'm looking forward to @Downes video of how to do grsshopper live as I think that will be my speed! :) #el30
yes, me too. and to make it more pronounced, as I went to type that word, I had to scan your writing to find it, so I could spell it correctly. Difficulty spelling, difficulty finding, difficulty difficultising. Maybe another blanket will help.