Yours concerns about big corporations are understandable and I share them (although I won't deny using their services sometimes, I guess I'm a fixer-upper). But sometimes those organizations do good things too and GSoC is an example of that.
My activity past summer in GNU social was sponsored by GSoC, and receiving some income for the time I've dedicated was helpful. I have friends that have to work on the summer in order to help their families. Programs like GSoC allow them to contribute to the FLOSS community while receiving some important money for doing something they enjoy.
GS in GSoC was something I have asked MMN-o for past year but it was ultimately possible thanks to GNU acting as an umbrella organization for its packages. I think GNU understands that GSoC is not something harmful as it brings students to the Open Source world.
I feel that GNU social needs more developers and I believe GSoC can help with that. Finally, even if those developers may help only for the money in the beginning (it wasn't my case but it is legit for the above mentioned reasons), they will eventually fall in love by GS like us and will be helping whenever possible even without the GSoC income. ;)
♲ I work in IT, which is the reason our house has: - mechanical locks - mechanical windows - routers using OpenWRT - no smart home crap - no Alexa/Google Assistant/... - no internet connected thermostats
I do like Harold Lloyd better, but his ideas on #Copyright and protecting his films have landed him in obscurity compared to other artists who were more lenient (or lost their copyright due to interfering management)
That's my point - try to buy alcohol somewhere else, and *armed guards* at the border will take it away and throw you in jail for bringing in more than what they figure will have a minimal impact on government revenue.
That's because you live in #Ontario, where #alcohol sales are a government-controlled and -owned monopoly. Because alcohol sales are a revenue-generator for the government they set the price *way* above production costs. After all, how much could it possibly cost to let some potatoes ferment in a bucket?
not only for free information, but especially for at risk populations and homeless populations
they offer free or very cheap internet access (which allows for finding resoucres, job applications, etc), free access to information, bathrooms, often places have refreshments for relatively cheap as well, etc. etc.
wanting to make public libraries obsolete is classist and just an incorrect viewpoint tbh