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Notices by PlatinumKatie (, page 7
Okay so, apologies in advance for stepping out of line of the 'gamer opinion'
People are getting angry and smug about the EA conference, and I don't entirely get it.
A lot of EA is games that the majority scoff at, but have a consistent fanbase.
I've seen a bunch of people react like "urgh Battlefield AGAIN? Urgh, a Battle Royale mode in Battlefield?"
...Putting the currently popular genre, in a popular game series, isn't...surprising, surely.
It's like being annoyed at a conference and saying "how dare they announce Call of Duty"
I get it, it's not for you. But...of course they're gonna announce it, it's still a super popular series that gets them a bunch of money.
The inclusion of Battle Royale mode...Deathmatch has existed as a popular game mode in those types of games for ages. Battle Royale is currently the 'big thing' and is a perfect fit.
@maiyannah is honestly oh so beautiful, wonderful wifey to me yes
I guess it'd probably make people...
*guitar riff plays*
If I say that, from the small snippets of Rage 2 gameplay bits so far. It looks a lot like Mass Effect Andromeda's gameplay, just in first person. Will it get me ridiculed by many people online.
If I say that, from the small snippets of Rage 2 gameplay bits so far. It looks a lot like Mass Effect Andromeda's gameplay, just in first person. Will it get be ridiculed by many people online.
Heh, who knows.
Vampy Sahlin arts :o
With Vampyr (take this with a pinch of salt cos I've not played it, this is just what I've heard)
You're always playing the same type of gameplay. It's just more or less difficult, and if you opt the less difficult route, the worse things get for everyone.
That's hardly perfect as is, mind you.
But since you're always playing the same gameplay, you're not fucked over simply for having a preference between two types.
What gets you, is how skilled you are, and how willing you are to push through difficult sections without help.
And generally I find a "work hard for your good ending" better than a "choose whatever you want, but if you choose one thing cos that's your taste in games, get fucked."
Again take this with caution, is just my impressions from what I've heard.
That is in the sense of.
Dishonoured just has two gameplay styles. Violent fighting, or stealth. You're punished for playing the former but...the former is more just...a different type of gameplay.
Not totally inherently easier or harder (though there's certainly bits of that) just different.
Which is why I think it's really badly done. You might want to play more close-combat because you dislike stealth, then you're fucked over purely for daring to have a preference.
While Vampyr sounds very flawed it...from what I've heard, comes across as doing what Dishonoured wanted to...better than Dishonoured did.
Eh, they have a lot to make up for.
...and yeah seriously opinions on New Vegas as a whole aside.
A ghoul who you can push to settle down into his life now as more of a mechanic, or inspire him to once more become a gunslinger (to which he equips a vaquero costume him and his sister once found) that's voiced by Danny Trejo.
Raul is awesome. (And this is of course skipping a lot of his backstory here)
And thus, point of this thread is.
My god.
Fallout 4 has quite possibly the worst companions of all the games, and if you disagree with that, that's fair...but believing it has the -best- ones is beyond me.
I know right? Miria is great...I forget the name of the dude you can shotgun wedding but who cares.
Finally going into New Vegas, you've got Cass, Arcade, Boone, Rex (who I only mention just cos they're better Dogmeat)
And of course, Raul, my fav. Best ghoul companion there's been. (The man is voiced by Danny Trejo, c'mon)
Fallout 3 you have...
Charon...and Fawkes? and Sarge.
Yeah there we go, better than 4.
Tho toughest so far for me to find good ones. ...The two Bethesda games having the worst comps...hmm...
Seriously tho Goris is great.
I don't think I even need to explain how Fallout 2's companions are better beyond the simple facts that you can.
Recruit Skynet.
Recruit a rather intelligent well-spoken deathclaw.