@EclecticEclipse I don't move in to the new location until Monday, but I'll up a picture when I do. It's my understanding it will be smaller, but less brown.
I need your support. It's time to level up. I need to bootstrap a new life starting from nothing. I'm currently without a laptop and without money. I'm executing on the Unity Village mission.
You can help in a lot of different ways: * Share my posts * Financial donations * Join one of my new initiatives * Help me with a new Free Software laptop * And more...
I'm also sharing my frustration. I'm committed to this path. I will do another waterfast to help me clean up.
@ndegruchy I've been using IRC on and off now for about 25 years, so I'm pretty comfortable with the interface. I've always thought that microblogging platforms would be perfect in an IRC interface, and it would really open up the options for desktop clients.
This sounds cool. I tried setting it up, but I can't reach the git repo (might be my corporate firewall having a good time with me). Has anybody else done this and what did you think? Thanks for the article @kyle!
@opera At present we have no plans of hosting a Pixelfed instance for Fosstodon. It's not possible to login to a Pixelfed instance with Mastodon credentials, but I believe that's actually a feature that's under development (@dansup please correct me if I'm wrong).
@jamie They're not that bad actually. I picked up a USB 3.5in drive not that long ago for maybe $20 American? Unfortunately for @EclecticEclipse, things have come a long way when it comes to sound suppression, and I could barely hear the drive. Might want to find an older, louder model.