@Juni @TQ Aus der Perspektive würde ich mich auf die Männer-Liste setzen lassen, damit die Dudes und Bros weniger Raum haben ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Aber ja, das ist alles ganz schön zäh!
@Juni @TQ Aus der Perspektive würde ich mich auf die Männer-Liste setzen lassen, damit die Dudes und Bros weniger Raum haben ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Aber ja, das ist alles ganz schön zäh!
@tether It's such a beautiful post!
@Eldritch_Horrorgirl @Fidgetcetera that's what heparin is for, though, no?
other disadvantage of blood compared to urine is the sterility. for blood you'd need to put in some formaldehyde, too, and, idk, at some point it doesn't really feel like blood anymore, or does it?
I'm so much in love with the Drive soundtrack, I'm scared about rewatching the movie because it might be not as good?
Started Neon Demon instead, and it's not too bad so far! (heavy CW for strobe lights, though!)
if i'd order an uber for another person from my account: could i see where they are going?
@nora I don't think we'd need to resort to violence, we just need to come up with a better name, or rephrase dber.org to Decentralized Berlin or sth similar 🤷
@nora If there are only Mastodon users going to the Diaspora meetup, is it still a Diaspora meetup, then? :thaenkibg:
@nora yes! no?
@nora We should seriously consider changing the name as more and more people switch from D* to M, or use both!
On 29th January 2018 the next Diaspora* meetup will happen in Berlin: https://dber.org/ *️⃣
Mastodon users are welcome, even though Diaspora* and Mastodon are not yet connecting to each other.
Let's sit, drink something, talk and laugh and spend time together. Drinks and WIFI are available, too.
We also have a Code of Conduct: http://berlincodeofconduct.org/ and as a queer person in any way, you won't be alone as i'm also going there since several years. The people there are cute. 👍
@tether What if we judged you positively, though?
@Cybertrash @tom isn't there a win xp theme for gnome and eclipse?
@h3xtacy THE KEYBOARD IS LAVA 🌋🌋🌋🌋🌋🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Oprah Winfrey and Kamala Harris are my Jaeger
@SuzanEraslan Patronus is my spirit mech!
@DiaryOfIceTea I think it's when the ISPs are doing their maintenances 💁
@Damage I like hop, thyme, and cardamom. I think especially with the former you could very well profit from the craft beer thing while at the same time omitting the alcohol part 🤷
@Jules Qubes OS is pretty interesting, and OpenBSD maybe as well?
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