All proceeds will go towards giving repressive, misogynist governments the finger.
This event is for women and non-binary people only.
16:00–19:00, Skalitzer Straße 100
All proceeds will go towards giving repressive, misogynist governments the finger.
This event is for women and non-binary people only.
16:00–19:00, Skalitzer Straße 100
This will be good.
Tomorrow MDK will be playing at Regenbogenfabrik, Lausitzer Straße 22, Berlin-Kreuzberg.
They'll be joined by Tati & Les Alles.
Doors open 20:00, concert is announced to start 21:00
@UberActivist yes, please!
can we standardize y'all as THE gender neutral replacement for "guys"
@kyzh I'm gonna disrupt your IPO if you don't pivot off really frictionless!
@natanji @leah gerade, wenn man sich spät diagnostizieren lässt, kann es sein, dass man schon coping mechanisms gefunden hat, die symptome maskieren, also, dass du dich rausziehst _bevor_ die reizüberflutung besonders schmerzhaft oder spürbar wird.
@natanji ... and that's called hyperfocus ¯\_ (ツ) _/¯
@Juniper https/
[Jennifer Lawrence interviewing Kim Kardashian who talks about her black hat info sec days]
@alice @InspectorCaracal my first inuition was "no", too, but maybe "yes" is the more pragmatic answer, and we need how we communicate what "unlisted" means?
because it still is quite public.
i personally only use it to manage how much i might annoy people with a post of mine (and who).
for actively hiding content, you need to go at least curated follower-list if not DM, until we have other scopes...
#mastoadmin poll: would you want your instance to show unlisted toots in hashtags?
(please boost)
@andrej the keyboard sends your texts plain as they are to G**gle before they even hit the app where they might be encrypted in, by default, and sometimes silently redefaulting after an update!
colleague and i decided that we _won't_ fly to australia after all but build our own fusion reactor that we'll hang into the sky on a blimp ¯\_ (ツ) _/¯
@Ulfra_Wolfe You are doing right by her!
Which keyboard for non-g**gle android has the shrug emoji?
@guerrillarain Thank you for saying that! I was doubting my judgment as it is a Marvel superhero movie after all, and there was nothing really in it that would have disgusted me, and quite a lot that I enjoyed, too!
If only the same team of writers and directors would have produced Wonder Woman!
It was kind of already made, though: 😂
@Concerned_Catgirl "Russian Bot Army" makes so much more sense now!
@Concerned_Catgirl do you mean Cairo, Georgia, or Cairo, Georgia, United States of America?
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