Testing command line tooting via gopherdon and retro forth
Notices by Charles Childers (crc@mastodon.social)
Charles Childers (crc@mastodon.social)'s status on Friday, 09-Feb-2018 16:34:39 EST Charles Childers
Charles Childers (crc@mastodon.social)'s status on Thursday, 01-Feb-2018 18:25:29 EST Charles Childers
The ISO for the standalone x86 #retro #forth is now up at http://forthworks.com/retro/download/retro.iso.zip and gopher://forthworks.com/9/retro/download/retro.iso.zip
The ISO includes the GRUB source code, which covers the GPL requirements. This bloats the ISO a bit, but it's better than having a separate download to deal with.
Charles Childers (crc@mastodon.social)'s status on Thursday, 18-Jan-2018 09:15:49 EST Charles Childers
#retro #forth 2018.1 source release is now out at http://forthworks.com/retro
Just a few quick notes regarding binaries:
- Binaries for Windows (native & .NET) are provided
- Binaries for DOS (real mode & DPMI) are provided
- The updated macOS & iOS versions will be available within a couple of daysWith this done, I'll be focusing on documentation, examples, and getting it packaged for more systems. (Looking at FreeBSD ports & NetBSD pkgsrc currently)
Charles Childers (crc@mastodon.social)'s status on Tuesday, 16-Jan-2018 08:52:12 EST Charles Childers
I've managed to build a working(*) #retro 12 for 16-bit 8086. It fits (barely) into a single 64K memory segment. It's also *very* slow, as one might expect for a 32-bit virtual machine running on a 16-bit architecture..
The next step is to implement a virtual memory system so I can have more than 10k cells (the standard image + input buffer uses 8,575 cells).
(*) strings aren't working fully due to insufficient space for the rotating temp string buffers.
Charles Childers (crc@mastodon.social)'s status on Monday, 15-Jan-2018 10:40:42 EST Charles Childers
As a bit of retrocomputing fun, here's a build of #retro #forth for DOS. Requires 32-bit protected mode; I haven't managed to build a working 16-bit executable yet.
http://forthworks.com/retro/download/RETRO-DOS.ZIP or gopher://forthworks.com/9/retro/download/RETRO-DOS.ZIP
Charles Childers (crc@mastodon.social)'s status on Saturday, 13-Jan-2018 11:11:49 EST Charles Childers
The (n)curses interface for #retro #forth is now in the repository. Working on finishing #gopherdon server cleanup now.
Charles Childers (crc@mastodon.social)'s status on Friday, 12-Jan-2018 13:41:51 EST Charles Childers
Working on an (n)curses based interface for #retro #forth, modeled after the original interface from when I took over development about 17 years ago.
Charles Childers (crc@mastodon.social)'s status on Friday, 12-Jan-2018 11:46:56 EST Charles Childers
I'm hoping to finish work on the server tonight or tomorrow, at which point I can spend some time finishing the initial iOS client. Both parts will be opwn source, under the ISC license. #gopherdon
Charles Childers (crc@mastodon.social)'s status on Thursday, 11-Jan-2018 08:47:57 EST Charles Childers
Just committed a slightly modified version of Rob Judd's Free Pascal implementation of the #Retro #Forth virtual machine & basic I/O.
Charles Childers (crc@mastodon.social)'s status on Friday, 05-Jan-2018 12:16:29 EST Charles Childers
@jk I've thought about doing something like this...
Charles Childers (crc@mastodon.social)'s status on Friday, 29-Dec-2017 21:23:44 EST Charles Childers
Ok, the #ios #gopher client update is now waiting for review.
Would there be interest in a public beta process (via Testflight) in 2018?
Charles Childers (crc@mastodon.social)'s status on Thursday, 21-Dec-2017 19:53:15 EST Charles Childers
@ajroach42 Here's a screenshot. I'm mostly doing this so I'll be able to interact with Mastodon from within Retro. https://mastodon.social/media/XobVB27991l8LgP_cFM
Charles Childers (crc@mastodon.social)'s status on Thursday, 21-Dec-2017 10:00:20 EST Charles Childers
@deutrino GreenArrays? http://www.greenarraychips.com/
Charles Childers (crc@mastodon.social)'s status on Monday, 18-Dec-2017 15:38:41 EST Charles Childers
@ajroach42 @djsundog I like Forth due it it being fundamentally simple (to implement, extend, and use), though becoming proficient with it requires a good deal of care and time.
In my case, I was able to learn enough to write small programs very quickly, but becoming comfortable enough to use it quickly and confidently took years.
For me, it was worth the time though, as I now have a language closely tailored to my thought processes, that I can (re)implement and change as my needs evolve.
Charles Childers (crc@mastodon.social)'s status on Friday, 01-Dec-2017 20:48:34 EST Charles Childers
Well today has been spent fixing #retro #forth on #macOS 10.12.6. It's working on the test server I had spun up this morning (prepping to shut that down now, before I get charged for it...).
The newest build is at http://forthworks.com/temp/RETRO12.dmg.zip or gopher://forthworks.com/9/temp/RETRO12.dmg.zip