Inspired by @peter ( I spend a little time today toying with the idea of how a Mastodon interface centered around image consumption (think Instagram) could look like.
I think most Mastodon concepts translates well into this space, even adding popular features that Instagram refuse to implement themselves, such as republishing other people's content (boosting).
@tinker if you like science and in depth reporting, Radiolab is fantastic. I don't do many audiobooks myself, so I'm enjoying going through this thread 😃
I'm sitting up, at 3:45 with a restless baby and the fact that the president cares more about alliterative insults on Twitter more than making sure work gets done has me just
Today, I got a rudimentary version of an updated PD registration website successfully logging a user in via Google, and saving, updating, and displaying registrations instantly without page reloads.
Next steps are to pull in workshop data from an existing Google sheet, to encrypt user IDs and clean up the object models so they're not so clunky.
I think I learned more today about webdev, data structures, and API calls than I ever have before. All because I'm the only one from my team in the office today.
the fucked up thing about programming is that nobody ever says "it's cool the way you use a for loop there! i like the way you named those variables, those are good names" the only say "why did you do it like that, thats the way a baby would program. youre a baby. and not even one of the babies who can program"
@welshgeekboy Yeah, I've definitely been shamed a couple of times, so before I ask, I make sure I try _everything_ I can think of to debug. I also start a question, leave, and then come back and finish before posting to avoid dumb mistakes 🙄
The anxiety, especially for a semi-competent amateur web programmer is real. Most of this stuff is on my own, with no formal training. Because I'm piecemealing, I _know_ I'm missing fundamentals, but asking about them on the forum causes stress.
Fresh morning, been up since before 5 with a fussy baby. Luckily, a lot of meetings got cancelled, so I can sit at my computer and work on this website refactor. With enough coffee, anything can get started.
So, I think I know what I was doing wrong with my firebase app this afternoon. It came to me during dinner. Now, to make it to 8PM without forgetting so I can try it after the kids are in bed and before I collapse from exhaustion.