@benni derzeit sieht es für mich so aus, dass sie CO2 bepreisen "weil irgendwie müssen wir ja" und weil sie nicht an der Schwarzen Null rütteln wollen.
@wion i guess its a larvae. They were shockfrosted and later defrosted. I guess the "food save" consumption depends on how the chicken larvae bulk is prepared.
@benni wenn ich mich recht erinnere, ist 115€ in schweden der minimalpreis, und es geht bis 180€ hoch, je nach Branche und Begründung. In der Schweiz fängts bei ca. 50€ an, good bad schland will vorerst maximal 35€, das ist halt mist.
@wion i tried mealworms several weeks ago in a "future" event. they unecessarily overfried and oversalted them. It was not bad, but the kitchen screwed this serving up.
We as a collective have nice but very uncommon customers. Yesterday someone picked up 2 crates full of drinks and biked them via a cargo bike 23km home. So someone drove around 46km to get drinks from us. whoa.
That crossed my line of vision while looking at protein concentrations of beans and grains in general.
We're making our own protein powders for post-workout recoveries, and plan to try some bean and grain combinations. I'm finding these particular references convenient and informative...
@dredmorbius I guess I know some more but I only know the German names of the fairy tales. (BTW. Some years ago I made the deliberate undergoing to become an artisan (fairy tale) story teller in a two week course. Was fun, but I liked the telling of Dickens and Chesterton characters more in the end.)
When organising conferences and other events, you often end up feeding people. This is a surprisingly fraught endeavour, but one that can be made less so with this one entirely sensible trick: Publish a menu in advance, ideally with an ingredients list. https://www.drmaciver.com/2019/02/conferences-should-publish-menus/
@wion I know which brazilian project you point at. :) Reforestation happend quite often in eurorasia, asia and the americas as far as i found out via a rushed research last week. But a lot of resources i cant read and i just started to assemble the research cycle. Today i just stumbles about the Great Plains reforestation when i read about Aldo Leopold.
@wion What i try to collect right now are historic examples, where bigger reforestation was organised either via state (better regional municipality) programms and how they were organised as in what teaching they did upfront, what was done and how they maintained it short, middle and longer term.
"In the #Great#Plains, the greatest drought in the known climate history of the #USA occurred in the 1930s. As a countermeasure, large-scale #reforestation was undertaken, but there was no change in the paradigms that led to the crisis."
Can someone tell me more about this, or direct me some literature?
Back than "they" discussed "computer networks to facilitate remote work, or, as it would later be known, telecommuting." "The tools are here today," and the "costs are not too high...and no doubt it would lead to good publicity" as Bill English argued in a Point Foundation Board Meeting. --- Source: A.G.Kirk, Counterculture Green, p.128-129
@pluvodancisto steht doch da: "gesamtorganisatorisch aufzurufen", das richtet sich erstmal an die Syndikate und VABs/LFs und dann im 2. schritt an die öffentlichkeit. So passiert das dann, dass bei der ICL die FAU Berlin die aufruft/sich beteiligt, statt dass es die GeKo und Gesamt-FAU macht. Das Grundproblem hier ist aber, dass die (erste) Urabstimmung gescheitert ist.