@paeneultima that must've been been why i had sign that waiver about "non-euclidean geometries"
Notices by Gus TT Showbiz (balrogboogie@ceilidh.space), page 11
Gus TT Showbiz (balrogboogie@ceilidh.space)'s status on Monday, 08-Jul-2019 12:56:08 EDT Gus TT Showbiz -
Gus TT Showbiz (balrogboogie@ceilidh.space)'s status on Monday, 08-Jul-2019 12:13:57 EDT Gus TT Showbiz @paeneultima saaaame
Gus TT Showbiz (balrogboogie@ceilidh.space)'s status on Monday, 08-Jul-2019 10:51:34 EDT Gus TT Showbiz TIMELINE IN NAME ONLY, FOR IT IS NEITHER
Gus TT Showbiz (balrogboogie@ceilidh.space)'s status on Monday, 08-Jul-2019 10:50:53 EDT Gus TT Showbiz the flooring doesn't quite line up with the walls in this office and it's bugging me lol
§ (lawremipsum@mspsocial.net)'s status on Monday, 08-Jul-2019 09:38:55 EDT § I caution the team at Fosstodon to reflect on whether modifying your CoC to reduce the apparent protection people have from systemic oppression—either by taking language out or by cabining it—will promote your goal of a welcoming, inclusive community.
Taking a step backwards on that commitment is tantamount being more hostile to classes of people you claim to want in your community.
This is the consequence, I suppose of borrowing CoC language to create an illusion of being more than you are.
Michael W (Warren) Lucas (mwlucas@bsd.network)'s status on Monday, 08-Jul-2019 09:39:08 EDT Michael W (Warren) Lucas If your Code of Conduct team is overwhelmingly straight white guys guided by straight white guys, your CoC is probably worthless.
You need a variety of threatened minorities on your CoC team, and you need to listen to them.
Gus TT Showbiz (balrogboogie@ceilidh.space)'s status on Monday, 08-Jul-2019 09:50:57 EDT Gus TT Showbiz @debugninja ehh, I'm ok with that because of the nature of how mastodon et al federate. if I block instance G, but instance B doesn't, than anything of mine that gets boosted from instance B can be seen on instance G
Gus TT Showbiz (balrogboogie@ceilidh.space)'s status on Monday, 08-Jul-2019 09:49:05 EDT Gus TT Showbiz @grainloom seems like a chicken-and-egg problem though. In order to afford to donate to Krita/etc, a professional graphic designer would need a job. In order to get a professional graphic design job, they would have to know how to use the Adobe suite, because i'm sure hiring managers won't give af if you have "i don't know photoshop but I donated to Krita!" on your CV @mxsiege
Queen Dyspraxia (shoutcacophony@anticapitalist.party)'s status on Monday, 08-Jul-2019 09:08:07 EDT Queen Dyspraxia Double CW for ableist terms, I'm going to criticize an ableist pattern I see and use them to illustrate.
El Norte Recuerda 🇵🇷 (artistmarciax@playvicious.social)'s status on Monday, 08-Jul-2019 05:26:29 EDT El Norte Recuerda 🇵🇷 Like Ive already said, if youre upset about how ppl *react* to racism, homophobia etc more so than the oppression, you're the problem, not the rest of us.
Whilst you park yourself in ppls mentions telling them to be nicer, that does nothing for a political and social shift, you're just telling us to lay down and accept the oppression and violence you supposedly hate yourself.
Back to front, cognitive dissonance, call it when you want, you allow our oppression
Gus TT Showbiz (balrogboogie@ceilidh.space)'s status on Monday, 08-Jul-2019 05:29:58 EDT Gus TT Showbiz @SanfordianPhil nice, we have a climax here in MI too
/dev/srgl (izaliamae@mastodon.barkshark.tk)'s status on Sunday, 07-Jul-2019 19:16:27 EDT /dev/srgl Just found a gab-based instance at gab.sleeck.eu
Glimpse Image Editor (glimpse@bobadon.co.uk)'s status on Monday, 08-Jul-2019 04:31:32 EDT Glimpse Image Editor Just confirming that we now also have a placeholder account on birdsite here: https://twitter.com/glimpse_editor
You can also contribute to the costs of domains/server hosting for our tools here: https://www.patreon.com/glimpse
In the next couple of days we will hopefully have a Matrix server and a website so the community can share more information about this project. #Glimpse
Jacie "The" Chicken :heihei: (jacethechicken@chickenfan.club)'s status on Sunday, 07-Jul-2019 23:49:38 EDT Jacie "The" Chicken :heihei: from now on it should be called "soccer" and "men's soccer"
Amelia (hamsterpower@queer.party)'s status on Sunday, 07-Jul-2019 23:01:09 EDT Amelia Hey y'all, just another reminder that my girlfriend and I will become homeless as of 7/15. We'll be crashing with friends while we try to save.
Not to sound desperate but please donate and/or boost if you can
Venmo: amelia_leviosa
Cash app: $hamsterpower -
Gus TT Showbiz (balrogboogie@ceilidh.space)'s status on Monday, 08-Jul-2019 01:02:23 EDT Gus TT Showbiz season 7 of letterkenny will be a hulu original and will be released in October \o/
benaiah (benaiah@pdx.social)'s status on Friday, 05-Jul-2019 17:34:42 EDT benaiah The Portland TWC is meeting at the Social Justice Action Center on July 16th at 6pm. Please consider coming if you’re a tech worker or ally interested in organizing and taking action in the tech industry.
https://techworkerscoalition.org/ - main TWC website
https://techworkerscoalition.org/subscribe - sign up for the TWC newsletter and slack
https://techworkerscoalition.org/pdx/ - info and link to calendar for the Portland TWC specifically
neville park (nev@social.coop)'s status on Friday, 05-Jul-2019 17:16:03 EDT neville park not enough people on Twitter liked my edit of the shadow monster from stranger things as a net-casting spider so I'm putting it here (warning: creepy monster, creepy spider)
net-casting spiders are really cool! they hang face down, staring into the dark with huge eyes, catching their prey with a web held between their front legs. you can see a video of one in action here: https://youtu.be/cAMxmyO0SYc
🍤El Presidenite🍤 (denikombucha@playvicious.social)'s status on Monday, 01-Jul-2019 16:53:02 EDT 🍤El Presidenite🍤 :drake_dislike: 🇺🇸
:drake_like: :TDR: -
Damien ✨✅ (eramdam@octodon.social)'s status on Friday, 05-Jul-2019 17:09:53 EDT Damien ✨✅ Mastodon! I got a new laptop and most of my old stickers didn’t make the cut 😢 Send/show me your fav stickers!!