@clhendricksbc@emi Great thanks. The way I'm hoping to structure the engagement initially to get things going will be to minimize time commitment for those involved. Something like just a series of polls etc. You would be free to contribute as you can.
@hhardy01@LeoSammallahti no not all. the internet at as a whole and most every social media out there are set up to reward engagement regardless of its form so it can monetize it.
The leeds to the most divisive and reactionary content/engagement crowding out all other forms.
The better behavior I'm referring to is simply that which doesn't intentionally/unintentionally hurt someone or just not intentionally/unintentionally being assholes to each other.
@SocialCoop This great and needed. Is there a way to go back an get the metrics over the past 4 weeks as well. Would be really helpful to objectively gauge the fluctuations in engagement/health/usability.
Not sure if there is way to pull data like this form Loomio as well.
Just posted a note to the #FullBarrelCoop membership seeking to raise $5k in common co-op equity to fund a feasibility study of the space we're considering launching in.
@BeechMtn@Matt_Noyes Thank you for staying engaged in some way. The loomio/governance toxicity issue is hopefully one of the first things the group will address. Both in how it functions internally and in recommendations to the members.
@mattcropp yeah I still wonder had they let it all fail (the financial system) would we actually be better off today or at least in the process of sorting out a better system instead of what seems like a slide into global authoritarianism ahead of the even bigger collapse.
@clhendricksbc@emi no worries. It's flexible enough to be improved in its execution but hopefully specific enough to have a chance at succeeding.
Really the level of attrition with so many members to burnt or afraid to engage at this point will be its biggest obstacle.
Hoping that with a strong core it will build the momentum and trust needed to bring many who have been disengaged or never engaged forward to take part in saving this organization.