I posted the first piece (Debussy Sonata) from my concert last weekend. The HD camera did work after all. I am amazed at the difference a decent camera makes to the built in stuff on the laptop I had to use for the livestream.
in 48 hours I'll be winging it to Los Angeles. All the emotions now. excitement, dread, and everything in between. There is so very much to do. so much.
and out there we've got this gig (it's free and being streamed (with good quality) and I'll share) more on that in the next few days.
@jk then the children of said inventors played in the crates and packing boxes for hours and hours and invented most of the levels by building forts and demonstrating the gameplay.
@Downes you know what else the value is? (that's rhetorical as I'm typing what another value is to me)
The learning you demonstrate & the commitment to your own learning that you model. You are consistent, dedicated, & thorough. You read and read and read beyond the surface, and even if you don't agree completely with the angle people have taken, you still give things an outing and a voice. Yes, it is still your lens, but as it is your newsletter, it should be.
@Downes don't despair. There is 100000000% value in OLDaily. So many people are SO caught up in their own minutiae and specilaisation that it is so very hard to keep a broad view.
You give lots, and certainly have worth. Invitations are very cool. I hope to get as many as your few that you have now ;) I know I've got a lot to say, and it's all to do with the same stuff. Don't give up. Sometimes people take a long time to be ready to see what is right in front of them.
One of the students I'm taking to Los Angeles next month just emailed me with homework - HE GAVE ME HOMEWORK and set it for next Tuesday
I LOVE WHEN THE TABLES ACTUALLY TURN! *does happy dance* Some people call it co-learning. Whatever name you give it, this is real learning- when you learn to learn, teach, assess, appraise, reflect, ask, do, give, and share - all as part of a whole.