I recall the FWD option on #mustard use appear as a #QuoteShare on #Friendica, including the ♻️ logo and a link to the original post, then after some server update now it just shows as a reply to the OP that includes the ♻️ and the contents of the message replying to. Am i misremembering how this used to work?!Friendica Support
♲ @taylorlorenz@mastodon.social: Journalists will never stick around this app long term sadly unless it adds quote posting. We desperately need it to communicate effectively, build on each others ideas, and add crucial context to posts. These are things replies simply do not accomplish. Also quote posting or reblogging does not = harassment! Tumblr, for instance, has had the feature since the beginning. We need it here now too 🙏🏻
♲ @caseynewton@mastodon.social: Embarrassed by how much I miss Twitter's quote-tweet feature on here. It was mostly used for evil but I tried to use it for good!!
Also, #Vivaldi now has its own #Mastodon instance. I think #Brave Browser had an unofficial instance at one time, and #Mozilla intends to open theirs early in 2023.
I'm still not "there" yet, but I am doing some #PHP stuff. Maybe I'll be able to help make !GNUsocial and #Friendica competitive candidates for $ORGANIZATION deploying their own #Fediverse presence.
@lxo Yes, I think that's always been a feature of #Friendica. !GNUsocial allows following PuSH/websub enabled RSS & Atom feeds ... and there's an old add-on that also supports RSScloud enabled feeds.
For example, subbing to others is generally good, but there's enough hit and miss to make it a little frustrating. Outbound post propagation is not understandable. Sometimes they show up quickly, sometimes they show up hours later, sometimes multiple posts over a period of time all show up in a delayed batch.
I added the account in Fedilab (Android app). It is even more confusing what shows up and what doesn't show up there, and posting from the app is not allowed.
Created a #Friendica account on Libranet.de ... it very quickly asked to add my contacts from here and is in the midst of attempting to do so. !fnetworks will be adding a Friendica instance once I have some funds for another #VPS.
Wow! I had forgotten about #Elgg. OpenUniverse and I had accounts on an Elgg instance in South America (time-wise, it was right after Mike's initial #Friendica instance closed, so we shifted existing conversations over) and got to see some of the posts about their #federation plans.
Note: this may have even been before changing the name from #Friendika to Friendica.
Depending on my skills, available time, and whether the projects' CoCs are acceptable, I would also like to contribute to both #GNU_Social and #Friendica. I know both projects can use a little additional momentum.
Ich hab schon immer verschiedene Wege für unterschiedliche Kontakte. Wenn jemand in meinen Lieblingsnetzwerken ist, dann lese ich die Person dort und meist nicht in weiteren Netzwerken. Ich poste teils schon sehr ähnliches, manchmal auch dasselbe und teils auch mit Crossposts von twitter nach friendica. Ich nutze die Netzwerke, die ich mag, ich bin nicht so gut bei Video und Audio, alles was vor allem Text und Bild ist, ist eher meins.
Im Job waren und sind Themen vieles im Web, früher Webseitenerstellen heute mehr Umgang mit Tools schulen und selbst nutzen. Als Unternehmerin teils auch mit Laden, mit Mitarbeitern, Kundenverkehr sind andere Themen zwar ungern, aber nötigerweise Buchhaltung, Steuer usw.
Lange gern immer mal auf einem #Barcamp inzwischen jedoch auf den #Hund gekommen und mit zwei Hunden die fast überall dabei sind, passten Barcamps schon vor Corona weniger. Derzeit grad auf dem Weg wieder etwas mehr mit Menschen zu unternehmen, mal wieder essen gehen oder auf einen Markt oder ähnliches. Richie der #GoldenRetriever und Gismo der #CavalierKingCharles gehören zur Familie. Mit meinem Lieblingsmenschen, mit dem ich schon sehr lange zusammen lebe, sind wir uns bei vielem ähnlich, ihn findet man jedoch nur in wenigen Netzwerken und meist auch eher lesend als postend.
Geboren, aufgewachsen und bis heute lebe ich im Landkreis #Konstanz inzwischen von der Stadt am See zum Dorf im #Hegau gewechselt. #nichtneuhier (von identica: Als identica vom damaligen Ersteller erst umgestellt, dann kaputt gespielt wurde, was es bis heute ist, inklusive vieler alter Konten, die sich nicht löschen lassen...)
I keep thinking about a couple #Twitter threads criticizing #Mastodon (the #Fediverse, really) for being inherently different than closed commercial platforms using far-fetched hypotheticals and extraordinary occurrences; while I do not want to make a useless point-by-point response, instead I'll tell you what I like about federated social media and #Friendica in particular.
After #Facebook froze my account for using a pseudonym (a spottily enforced rule), I started hosting my own #Diaspora pod because I could.
I didn't know anyone so I initially made contacts with other podmins and progressively extended my circle through shared posts. This is how I learned about #Friendica, a platform that was compatible with both #Diaspora and #OStatus (#GNUSocial, #StatusNet ) because it could.
Written in #PHP, liked both the multi-protocol approach and that I could contribute code to it. So I started hosting my #Friendica node and I kept following the same Diaspora accounts, because I could.
When #Mastodon was first released based on OStatus, I started following several accounts on there because I could. When #ActivityPub was released and supported by Mastodon, we followed suite a few months later, because we could.
With popularity came the right-wing trolls and free speech extremists who organized their own federated instances, but they never bothered me much as I blocked their entire instance domains because I could.
None of these are currently possible with commercial platforms. Not all people will end up hosting their own node and it's fine, but the breadth of possibility is what makes federated social network attractive.
I've just rediscovered a feature of Friendica, composing abstracts for different audiences. Friendica allows you to write long postings, much longer then the arbitrary chosen 280 or 500 characters. But it also allows you to send those long texts into streams and networks that are not suited for such long texts. For such cases, Friendica has the BBCode tag abstract, you can use to add a summary to the posting--these summaries can be specific for different platforms you relay your posting to.
So say, you make a public posting into the Fediverse that is also send to Twitter by Friendica. Instead of hoping that Friendica does shorten the text correctly for Twitter (it tries to do so) you can define the content send over to the land of the 280 character yourself. Just add an [abstract=twit]This is the message for Twitter[/abstract].
In addition, you can set a general abstract for the ActivityPub network with [abstract=apub]This will the abstract for AP platforms[/abstract] (the result is called Content Warning / CW on other platforms in the Fediverse). And best of all, you can combine the two 😀
As illustration, here is the posting I just wrote. It is not that long, but it was too long for Twitter; so the extra abstract was added.
[abstract=twit]Lorenz hat Micha mal Löcher in den Bauch gefragt, als sie sich das #Fediverse (#Friendica, #Hubzilla, #Mastodon, #Peertube, #Pixelfed, #Pleroma) in der 1. Staffel von "Besser" angeschaut haben. https://besser.demkontinuum.de/2021/12/das-fediverse-als-chance/[/abstract]
[abstract=apub]Podcast Empfehlung über das Fediverse - nicht nur Mastodon 😉[/abstract]
Auch wenn die erste Staffel von "Besser - Der Podcast" schon ein paar Tage auf dem Buckel hat lohnt der sich in meinen Augen als Einführung ins #Fediverse. @lorenz_mv@horche.demkontinuum.de fragt @hoergen@horche.demkontinuum.de da einige Löcher in den Bauch über #Friendica, #Hubzilla, #Mastodon, #Peertube, #Pixelfed, #Pleroma und noch einige andere Plattformen.
Den Fediverse Account des #Podcast findet ihr hier: @besser@horche.demkontinuum.de
BTW Friendica offers several addons providing tools for users to define what postings should be filtered/collapsed in their streams. By length, language, filtered words. This is the reason why abstracts are mostly used for outgoing communication but not on Friendica itself.