Notices tagged with kwnpsa
@clacke Our #KWNPSA user group chatted with the #GetTogether developer a few months ago. He said demand for self-hosted G2G instances was minimal, and event interchange even more minimal. So #ActivityPub support on G2G has stalled, and he considers G2G more or less stable and mature.
Find out if you have a local #LUG, a !Linux Users Group. In #Waterloo Region we have a great LUG,, as well as completely separate groups for #KWNPSA ( #NonProfit #SysAdmin), #KWVoIP (a #VoIP Users Group), different user groups for just about every programming language (and three for #Javascript alone). All are warm and friendly -- I know, 'cos I've been to most. But start by finding a local Linux User Group, where people can point you in as many directions as you're willing to go.
Join me for the #KWNPSA Social Night at 6:00pm on Monday, 18 December 2017 at Abe Erb Restaurant and Brewery in #Kitchener, #Ontario #SysAdmin #NonProfit