@politicalcustard Just Vim for me, can't use mutt with my provider. But I'm using cmus for music management and taskwarrior for tasks..and I'm living in i3
@fatboy no...I don't think i've jumped in editor for like a week.. Maybe i'm so satisfied with my i3 setup I just don't need to mess with anymore configs.....no! that can't be!
@codemonkey@Tutanota Another one like that is https://mailinabox.email/ . It also gets you set up with calendar and contacts with nextcloud so you have a full pim suite going. And webmail
@codemonkey@Tutanota I can understand...but you can expect a service such as protonmail to be able to provide everything for free and stay viable. Note the bridge tool is a little iffy anyway, i've used it. Fastmail is another kick butt mail service, but no encryption built in..but you can do that through enigmail if you wanted.
@codemonkey I'm a protonmail user and pay...but if you want somthing similiar try @Tutanota . You will still have to pay if you have outgrown your free protonmail size limit.. but Tutanota is significantly cheaper.
@codesections@kev I think it will work out ok..and it is really good for the staff...especially with Chris having health issues, insurance will be good for him. Lets be positive and happy those guys will be taken care of some. I have faith in the core teams dedication to foss and Linux, I think they would leave before they let it go astray.