Putting a tired baby to sleep is my mech
Notices by Brian (brian@fosstodon.org), page 5
Brian (brian@fosstodon.org)'s status on Sunday, 15-Apr-2018 13:59:55 EDT Brian -
Brian (brian@fosstodon.org)'s status on Sunday, 15-Apr-2018 07:15:15 EDT Brian @kev @brandon Google sheets running apps scripts can be really powerful. I've got one with ~2000 lines that serves a registration web app and handles all document creation for in-service records teachers need. Pretty amazing, really.
That being said, I'm starting the process of moving it over to a true web app with a Firebase backend because running an entire website from a spreadsheet doesn't seem like a sustainable idea in the long run.
Brian (brian@fosstodon.org)'s status on Monday, 19-Mar-2018 17:11:11 EDT Brian I learned more about regex and meaningful pattern matching in strings today than I ever wanted to.
Building software is hard.
Brian (brian@fosstodon.org)'s status on Monday, 19-Mar-2018 11:43:21 EDT Brian @ChrisWere @Groft So, turns out the LMS we're using strips inline JS and CSS anyways. I ended up writing a custom JS function and importing through the admin side. Thanks!
Brian (brian@fosstodon.org)'s status on Monday, 19-Mar-2018 09:23:28 EDT Brian I think I definitely imagined the non-javascript table sorting.
Brian (brian@fosstodon.org)'s status on Monday, 19-Mar-2018 09:12:02 EDT Brian @Groft That's why it's bugging me (maybe I dreamed it). I thought it had to do with a CSS selector (maybe first-child?)...I don't know...
Brian (brian@fosstodon.org)'s status on Monday, 19-Mar-2018 09:06:02 EDT Brian I _swear_ I saw a blog post/website about sorting an HTML table with only CSS (no JavaScript) and now, of course, when I'd like to use it, I can't find it. Any help?
Brian (brian@fosstodon.org)'s status on Sunday, 18-Mar-2018 07:02:07 EDT Brian I am terrible at chess.
Brian (brian@fosstodon.org)'s status on Sunday, 18-Mar-2018 05:57:22 EDT Brian @david_ross we finally figured it out because I was changing some scripts and the console errors weren't resolving. I removed the entire function causing the error and it still showed. More on a whim, we did a whois lookup and found the the reversion. It was definitely not something I'd seen before. But, very glad to have it fixed.
Brian (brian@fosstodon.org)'s status on Sunday, 18-Mar-2018 05:42:28 EDT Brian @david_ross I finally figured out that the DNS transfer never finished, so the new site reverted back to the only nameservers, breaking SSL, email, and all kinds of stuff. The old host has a privacy setting which prevented the authentication email from going to the site owner because it was an "unknown sender."
That registrar in particular, I learned, is particularly bad at domain transfers. We disabled the source blocks and redid the transfer. Everything is working again.
Brian (brian@fosstodon.org)'s status on Saturday, 17-Mar-2018 20:26:37 EDT Brian @DenubisX Ok, I think I got it. I was able to push a file to the server successfully. Now, I just need to figure out how to get the working trees the same so I don't rewrite my entire blog directory. Thanks!
Brian (brian@fosstodon.org)'s status on Saturday, 17-Mar-2018 19:09:19 EDT Brian @DenubisX ok, that's what I was thinking, but I saw some other articles that showed a dedicated git user. I'll give it a shot after the kids are in bed (soon).
Brian (brian@fosstodon.org)'s status on Saturday, 17-Mar-2018 18:01:11 EDT Brian @DenubisX got it. So, the config on the local branch needs that. Do I need a git ssh user on my server?
Brian (brian@fosstodon.org)'s status on Saturday, 17-Mar-2018 14:31:55 EDT Brian @DenubisX Ok, still having issues.
Config is here: https://gist.github.com/bennettscience/41ebf28d6be691e360dc31677bb246ea
Endpoint for the remote should be ohheybrian.com/nodes.
It's a Jekyll site self hosted. The goal is to be able to push from local straight to the repo without using Github as an intermediate. I have a SSH user for myself. Do I need to create a new git user on the server for this to work?
Brian (brian@fosstodon.org)'s status on Saturday, 17-Mar-2018 13:42:45 EDT Brian I'm helping a friend update a non profit website written in SHTML, mostly. I added an SSL cert and is still showing as insecure. I've checked every image and external file and can't seem to find the error.
Is SHTML still valid? Or should I convert to HTML5 and rely on a .htaccess file to write all urls as https? I'm a little lost on this one.
Brian (brian@fosstodon.org)'s status on Saturday, 17-Mar-2018 08:54:26 EDT Brian @DenubisX not at my computer right now. I have a local repo and used git init on an empty repo server side. I need to try to push with ssh rather than https. I'll try and follow up later.
Brian (brian@fosstodon.org)'s status on Saturday, 17-Mar-2018 08:53:11 EDT Brian @kensanata @UberGeek ok, that makes sense.
Brian (brian@fosstodon.org)'s status on Friday, 16-Mar-2018 22:24:54 EDT Brian @UberGeek So, without HTTPS transport, a push over HTTPS wouldn't even see a remote repo, right?
Brian (brian@fosstodon.org)'s status on Friday, 16-Mar-2018 22:16:03 EDT Brian @UberGeek out* of the box
Brian (brian@fosstodon.org)'s status on Friday, 16-Mar-2018 22:15:32 EDT Brian @UberGeek got it. I thought https would work or of the box. I'll get a user set up and try again.