There should always be a clear separation between the information a site contains and the way it is presented, with the user able to control the presentation layer. The same site should render as text, via a speech interface or as a mashup of sites via selecting the presentation template most appropriate to the current context.
The Brexit party candidates are a motley crew of thinly veiled fascists hiding behind an extremely bland leafleting campaign. Assuming that brexit happens after October this repellent gang of ne'er-do-wells will enjoy a mercifully brief tenure.
But in the mean time they will be able to boast in the msm, and of course on Twitter, about how they now have a "mandate" to further poison the public debate with their prejudices.
This isn't necessarily a bad idea but I bet eventually Microsoft will start taking a cut of any donation money. Once you've got them by the income then it also becomes harder for developers to leave the silo.
@xj9 I'm so tired of the extreme anti-privacy movement.
* Not caring if millions of accounts get leaked * Considering lack of security as merely a cost of doing business * Not caring whether people get doxed or harassed or outed * Assuming that data created by people always belongs to the megacorp * These cosy relationships with letter agencies are oh so predictable * The culture of embedding off-site links into web software so that they give companies a lot of data about how people are using it * Assuming its ok to have telemetry on by default without telling the user or having any kind of informed consent
It sounds like Theresa May is on the brink of departure, but this has happened so many times in the last couple of years that it's anybody's guess what will happen. She's clung on through numerous scandals, more or less single-handedly eliminating the Conservatives majority in parliament and arguably is the least competent Conservative PM of all time (against some stiff competition).
@Gina I recently added community networks to Freedombone. The large ones are Guifinet in Spain and Freifunk in Germany. I don't have any experience of using them, but being able to set up networks like those would be a good way for the internet to go, because they're neither controlled by the government nor by large companies.
@Elizafox I think some of what Wikileaks did in the past may have shortened the Iraq war. A lot of what went on during that war was concealed from the public at the time and so the leaks from Chelsea Manning were shocking. They probably also saved Snowden's life.
Other than that I don't think it was a very effective organization, and appears to have been little more than a personality cult around Assange.
If there is to be any similar leaking organization in future I'd recommend that they don't have a human spokesperson. Just use an innocuous-looking news reader avatar with a voice obfuscator. Or make sure that you have different people talking to the msm each time. Not always the same guy.
There seems to be a general rule of thumb that in any organization which appears to have a charismatic msm-friendly figure heading it up it will later turn out that they're abusing people behind the scenes. That seems to be the nature of charismatic leadership.
It took quite a long time for Unity to become usable and for a few years it was very slow and buggy. Also in the mistakes he describes were not being able to move the location of the dock (a glaring usability failure) and the Amazon spam (which they still have). The Amazon spam more than any other factor alienated developers who otherwise might have continued to support Unity. In hindsight doggedly sticking with bazaar/launchpad was also a big mistake.
Believing in historical determinism is a mistake, but also believing that you can learn no lessons from history - that it's all just a meaningless jumble - is equally wrong.
@pennyfortheguy@zerohedge I don't really want a UN with teeth. UN was really an attempt to solve the problem of world war with world government. But creating a single very powerful government wouldn't solve anything, because concentrated power is the problem.
@alcinnz@lightweight If I'm interpreting it right then Zuck is no longer betting the farm on AI and is instead going for an e2ee it all strategy over the next couple of years. They can still do targeted advertising but in a less direct way, plus they're going to try to become a payments system so that if you're not on Facebook you no longer can buy things.