@popey Yep. I switched to https://www.pcloud.com/ a few months ago. Easy install and updates with an appImage and it works wonderfully. Dropbox support was terrible when I tried to get a refund. I will never use their service again.
@platypus Hi Ruth, I've got a book here about making vector artwork. It's subject, but can't find anything more descriptive than "Computer Drawing -- Technique" :/
I'm not seeing any LCSH for vector graphics? Is this correct? Is there no way to distinguish between bitmap artwork and vector artwork in the subject headings? #librarians#cataloging#subject_headings
@libskrat@platypus@foureyedsoul It is strange that it isn't in the foreground more. Doctorow is presented as a case study in CC's book "Made With Creative Commons"
@aparrish I feel like libraries and librarians need to own this a little too. In my classes it's nothing but social media cheerleading. If someone raises these issues (or privacy issues) there's crickets for a response. Librarians need to start discussing corporate, centralized social media as a (un?)necessary evil. @ruth
Trying to decide how to create a default state for patrons on the forthcoming #Linux laptop computer lab. _Damn_ tempted to stock each laptop with 2 SSDs and have the home partition be a #zfs dataset. How cool would it be for patrons working on a multiday project to be able to export a snapshot of their home folder to a storage server when they're done for the day, and then re-import it upon returning?
@lipsticksocialist That's a bummer sorry. :/ My county went Republican again too. So disappointed. We used to be a Dem stronghold. But, we also used to be a manufacturing city with strong unions as well...