One of the great joys of not having English as your immediate language is that when you ask a question about an everyday thing, you have a non-zero chance of hearing a string of words that definitely are English, but which make absolutely no sense whatsoever
I only half jest everything involving modern computering requires so much resources it's a wonder anything runs at all whilst anything else is running
One of the first things my dad told me when I started working was if you're given a break, take it. If you're told you get an hour for lunch, you take that entire hour. Don't work when you're not getting paid for it. Take every break your entitled to, and the whole amount of it. Take vacation time. Use your sick time.
@ultimape@aparrish mmm, the intersection of global supply chains and ancient astrology
if you're up for it, there are podcasts devoted to each of these topics, which when combined are a real treat. one is Containers, which is everything it say on the tin. another is the SHWEP, wherein we hear of ancient astrology as the art of military intelligence by means of the stars. logistics all round ^^
@talenlee back in the days this was the way new things came into people's lives. a friend excited about a new album and you went home to them and listened to it - this was the introduction
same with books. although with slightly less shared simultaneity
@talenlee I used to receive similar emails with miscellaneous tips and tricks way back when, but then they tapered off
as to the rarity of other-promotion, I suspect there are things to unpack regarding promotion as a brand-building exercise. it's something persons are supposed to do for themselves, not a thing that happens because others talk about it
It is a very legit move to post one's own patreon - the thing about self-promotion is after all that no one else can do it for you
But it is a power move to post someone else's crowdfunding efforts. If nothing else, it shows that the whole endeavor is not just shouting in/at the void
I reckon we could all promote each other every now and then. But mostly as the ends of months approaches