@danyspin97@ink_slinger I wouldn't make that recommendation until we actually see that @Purism messaging app, and whether the UX is suitable for mere mortals ;) But this is good news, as is the work the #GNOME is doing on their #Fractal client(s) for #Matrix (curious as to why they picked a Matrix over XMPP for a native app, since the point-of-difference of Matrix is being more web-native).
@danyspin97@TheOuterLinux > In the end #Matrix still seems the most promising one to me, due to the presence of both a public community and a IM.
#Matrix is client/server, so quite a different beast from #Tox / #Ring, which are serverless. Matrix seems like a good candidate for replacing both #IRC and #Slack, given that it's federated by default (unlike IRC which needs a bunch of extra stuff to support federation), and it's an open protocol (unlike Slack which is a #DataFarm).
So I tried a #Riot / #Matrix room (on a different server than riot.im, in an attempt to be a good federated citizen) with encryption, and that was pretty terrible, so I tried one without, and it doesn't seem able to present a fully consistent view to people who've joined or are trying to join. Is this the current state of the platform (with encryption turned off), or am I experiencing weird rare problems that are unlikely to keep happening a lot?
One of the challenges for federating #FreeCode chat apps is the risk that doing so punches security holes in the privacy protecting #E2E#encryption they use. This is one of the reasons we have #XMPP competing with #Matrix, and both competing with walled gardens like #Wire and #Signal, even though both of these have liberated the code for both their clients and servers.
@wuhei@mayel > the riot.im client has a good UI for non techies.
Yeah, people say that. But I've used #Riot, and I don't agree. It's certainly more user-friendly than most (all?) IRC clients as a #Slack-a-like, but pitching it as a replacement for Skype / FB Messenger is like pitching Mumble for that purpose. Just no. #Matrix, like #XMPP, might be a great protocol, but consistently smooth #UX is not there yet.
@thibaultamartin@rysiek@sir@Purism have you tried #Wire? Much simple to understand than #Matrix, and with a smoother UI. Plus not tied to BDFL who is antithetical to software freedom (eg Wire actually want their app in F-Droid). I'm @strypey on Wire too if you want to test it.
Love this! @Half_Shot@twitter.com's Matrix Presentation project presented as a sketch RT @tanurai@twitter.com Attemped to sketchnote a talk at #oggcamp - I think I need practice. #Matrix
Feels really good to see the people of Vienna's @bsdstammtisch working together to get #FreeBSD ports for @matrix maintained and approved in less time.
This makes it a lot easier and secure to run your own #Matrix-Synapse server on FreeBSD for decentralized, federated, end-to-end-encrypted communications infrastructure.
Poebelkaiser (nipos@social.netzkombinat.su)'s status on Friday, 03-Aug-2018 05:17:35 EDT
PoebelkaiserNach der #aufregung der letzten Tage ueber den #messenger#matrix werde ich mir jetzt mal kurz Zeit nehmen,um die wichtigsten #fakten zusammenzutragen,denn schuld an dem #spyware Problem war keineswegs das Matrix Team selbst. - Also wer war jetzt schuld?! -> Google,das das Tracking in Apps,die irgendwelchen Play Spyware Muell nutzen,standardmaessig aktiviert hat - Wie hat Matrix reagiert? -> Das Matrix Team wusste selbst nichts von dem #tracking ,das durch den erzwungenen Umstieg auf eine neue API aktiviert wurde,hat nach der Aufdeckung aber innerhalb weniger Stunden reagiert und das Problem behoben - Wie wurde das Problem behoben? -> Durch einen zusaetzlichen Eintrag in der App Konfiguration kann Tracking weiterhin unterbunden werden - Wer war ueberhaupt betroffen? -> Nur wer sowieso ein verwanztes Handy hat,wurde vom unerwuenschten #firebase#analytics Tracker erfasst.Geraete mit Blackberry OS 10,Amazon Fire OS,Lineage OS und anderen Custom ROMs waren nicht betroffen.Ebenfalls war man sicher,wenn man sein Geraet gerootet und die Google Play Spyware entfernt hat.Wer die App aus dem #fdroid#appstore installiert hat,war grundsaetzlich nicht betroffen,unabhaengig vom System.Bei den datenschutzbewussten Nutzern hier,duerften also nur wenige ausspioniert worden sein.Allgemein muss man hinzufuegen,dass nur Systeme betroffen waren,die APK Programme nutzen.iOS,Desktop Clients und der Webclient waren zu keiner Zeit von dem Tracking betroffen. - Koennten weitere Apps aehnliche Probleme haben? -> Diese Frage ist definitiv mit JA! zu beantworten.Google hat die Umstellung auf eine neue API fuer alle Apps erzwungen,das aktiviert Tracking standardmaessig,die wenigsten Entwickler wissen ueberhaupt davon.Jabber Client Conversations war beispielsweise auch kurzzeitig betroffen.Auch bei weiteren Apps ist man nur betroffen,wenn man die Bedinungen erfuellt,die ich fuer Matrix genannt habe. - Weitere Fragen? -> Fragt einfach.Eventuell kann ich euch weiterhelfen. Ich hoffe,ich konnte mit dieser Erklaerung einige wichtige Fragen bezueglich Matrix und Tracking klaeren.