This is intriguing. I would love a simple, not-expensive smart phone that does the basics and respects privacy. I hope the Pine Phone and Librem 5 both are wildly successful.
@ajdunevent Okay, you just blew my mind with that, I didn't know it either! I'm kind of in a vacuum, my friends aren't into Linux, so I just figure things out as I can. This is why I love Mastodon!
After a while I feel like which distro I use isn't that big a deal, but I always love learning new apps and new smart ways to do stuff! 😀
Today's "find," that everyone else probably knew about forever: Aptitude.
I like using the command line but want a "start menu" so I can peruse apps. Memorizing program names in their exact syntax is the biggest block to the command line for me. If I don't use a program for a little while I just forget that it exists, or have to do a whole internet search to find where the hyphens are so I can launch it. Aptitude helps.
@kelbot I'd say 13-14" ideally, for me. I had a 13" macbook air (running Linux obviously) for years, and the size was fine, but then I stumbled into a great deal on a 15" System 76 machine. I was afraid it would be too big, but it's not that heavy, and I like having the extra screen space.
@omnipotens I was using Evolution and it worked really well. I fell back into Thunderbird only because I have stuff more fully set up there, not because anything was wrong with Evolution.
Totally! I was a ridiculous distro hopper for several years. I made myself settle down and commit a few months ago, so I could do actual work, not just twiddle with operating systems. But now I'm getting squirmy again. :)
@DorianDotSlash If I get a little extra harddrive space, I absolutely will! I used to have six different partitions on my machine to try all the distros, and that's ridiculous, so I had to cut myself off. But this will restart the whole addiction!